How Can I Keep Myself Motivated While Learning English? Is Grammar the Most Important Aspect of Learning English? How Can I Improve My English Listening Skills? What are the Best Techniques for Expanding My English Vocabulary? How Can I Practice English Speaking When I Don't Have a Partner?
while delivering excellent, engaging and fun English lessons. We have tested these presentations in small, medium, large and even one-to-one teaching environments
Paste the game rules somewhere for students to see. After one round, deal out one card each for the next round. At the end of the game, the winner is the one with the most valuable card. If you still have a hard time understanding the above literature, simply understand this game as...
I have been trying to download some of my printables and I haven´ t made it. I have tried doing it through Google chrome and also through Edge but the result was the same: didn´ t make it. Has this already happened to any of you? What can I do to solve this situation?
Wow! Your game was amazing. My students loved it soo much they did not want me to end class. Austin ESL Teacher (USA) "These games have been a fundamental tool in many of my ESL lessons for all levels. (..) I can't recommend them highly enough" ...
Because just like with the printing press, I think the internet has expanded in different ways, both positive and negative. But thank you for sharing some of the ideas and inventions that have great meaning to you and to the rest of the world....
Conditionals Billionaire Game - First, second, third and zero conditionals practice Games Show Down ESL Games A question is asked and the team has a few seconds to tell the answer. If they give the correct answer, the teacher reveals it and enter points according to the answer. Students comp...
ButAlways v Has: Game 4 - [ESL] Waterfall Map: [ESL] Waterfall Players Has - Winner! Race:Protoss Spawn Location:7:00 ButAlways Race:Protoss Spawn Location:1:00 Event: DreamHack SC2 Masters 2022 Atlanta (Online) VOD Have the link to the VOD?
It’s student-centered, engaging and interactive and best of all, the students love it. It’s best for beginners in which you can ask questions that have quite specific answers. Try out this TEFL conversation activity today:Steal the Eraser Game....
Gaimin were leading 2-0 in the grand finals, can you share with us what was the team talk before game 3, what did you guys change in order to be able to make such a comeback?恭喜赢得了AR的第一个比赛。Gaimin 开始领先 2比0,你们在第三场之前的状态是怎样?团队之间有什么交流或沟通 又...