ESL fun Games and Activities online,Interactive fun games for ESL classrooms, game to help practice Present perfect continuous Matching Game
We offer a rich variety of grammar games according to grammar topics. There are grammar games like : Snakes and Ladders grammar games, Basketall, Football, Hangman, Wheel of Fortune, TV Games and more to help practice grammar.
Explore a wide range of ESL/EFL teaching resources including engaging worksheets, interactive games, and innovative conversation activities designed to inspire and motivate teachers and students.
Teach Kids to Read with Phonics - Games, Videos, Worksheeets Printable and interactive Grammar Exercises for teachers and students are available free. Use these grammar exercises to practice and teach English grammar- parts of speech. Refer students to the interactive exercises for self-study. Gram...
On this page we have gathered together a huge library of tried and tested ESL kids games and activities. Dip in any time to find the perfect addition to your lesson plan!All games and activities are listed in alphabetical order.A Action race This is a fun game using actions. Use actions...
Our ESL fun games here include : Snakes and Ladders, Hangman, Spelling games, Wheel of Fortune, TV Games(Betting Game), Mazes, Memory Games, Matching exercises, Sequencing exercises, Picture Quizzes, Catch it and more. These games provide the ultimate fun in practising the following skills: ...
We’ll get back to fall and Halloween for the games of the week, but Matt has some great news for you. He’s finished and launched Dream English volume 3. There is a download pack on his website and it contains all of the songs from the 3 CDs plus a few bonus songs (ove...
The simplest games, for example, can be difficult to teach without translation unless you’re very prepared. Step 1: Decide on Your Lesson Plan Objectives This is the daunting part, but it’s crucial that you know this from the start. Step one is the foundation of everything that follows...
This exercise is a great way to put some of your students’ newly learned words to good use. Plus, you don’t have to search far for new words—the ones that appear in the assigned reading will do. All you have to do is:
Playful Fond of games, jokes, or teasing Pleasant Giving a sense of happy satisfaction or enjoyment Pleased Feeling or showing pleasure or contentment Pleasing Tending to give pleasure or satisfaction Plucky Brave and spirited Poetic Having a quality of beauty or emotional intensity associated with poe...