We hope this free resource helps you and your kids improve their English listening and speaking. Many school educators have used this free resource to help children learn English (ESL conversations). These simple “get to know know you” questions are perfect to break the ice and get kids ta...
They are interesting and fun for the students, can be used for almost any topic, grammar point, or vocabulary set and the questions are easy to make in just a few minutes.But, perhaps the best thing about ESL surveys? They cover a huge range of skills in a single activity: speaking, ...
17- Musical chairs: How to play- Bring some nice kids music to class. Put chairs in circle and make it short by one chair. Students listen to music and when you stop it they sit down. The one person who remains standing answers a few questions. Game continues. ESLTOWER.COM : Many...
for kids and young teens. Interactive stories for teens and adults. A Fun Trivia Game Themes includes Christmas, Halloween, Valentine’s Day, Summer Vacation, and Back to School. Unique ways to create discussion. Add some variety to your free-talking sessions. Video Retelling is always a big ...
Hope this helps! If you still have questions, don't hesitate to get back to me. If you choose to do these exercises with kids, keep us informed about their progress. Thank you! P.S. You'll point out that there is ONE boy, and SIX apples! Count with them, 1, 2, 3...6 becaus...
These are full course lessons. Our lesson plan categories: Kids stand-alone lessons (61) Kids full course lessons (171) Teens lessons (392) Mini lessons (99)Click to see FREE SAMPLE LESSONSOur full list of full course lessons (Intermediate B1 – B2) Unit 1: New beginnings Lessons: Downl...
Watch the trailers and go over the questions. It's a fun way to study. the top FREE Sites for Students - a list of sites for learning MES-English MES-Flash Cards MES-Phonics Sites for Teachers: Sites for Teachers a searchable database of over a thousand teacher websites. It's where ...
The best part? All are free and can be used for any purpose. The Key to ESL Lesson Plans Your goal as an ESL teacher is to boost student speaking time while cutting down on your own talking time. But how exactly do you do that?
A particular German student was quite offended at the idea of playing games during class time until she was shown that many of the questions (in the game) were taken directly from the test books she would have used on her own. She then became very enthusiastic and passed her Cambridge exam...
ESL for Kids: Teaching English to Children How to Be an Effective Substitute Teacher 7 Qualities of Great Teachers The Pros and Cons of Being a Teacher