More than a thousand ESL/EFL/ESOL conversation questions. Our conversation questions are organized by topic, textbook, and grammar.
Browse our collection of ESL conversation topics with +1000 discussion questions to engage English learners and improve speaking skills.
If you had to be raised by animals in the wild, what animals would be the best parents? If you could be an animal, what animal would you choose to be and why? What are the pros and cons of owning a pet? Beauty ESL Conversation Questions ...
Students generally like to talk to each other, but it won’t go well unless you give them an interesting topic, like would you rather questions, or a reason to talk to each other. Some conversation starters are an excellent way to get things rolling with classroom discussion.Learn more ...
ESL URL: Description: Thousands of conversation questions, hundreds of Word and PDF handouts. Controversial and everyday discussion topics. For speaking practice in and out of class. The whole thing in HTML (to open in a new window): ...
Need to introduce a topic, or spark conversation? Try these videos with accompanying discussion questions. Most videos are less than 5 minutes and have limited or no dialogue. A competitive speaking/spelling game for kids and teens. Delivery the most letters to win!
If you are looking for discussion questions, I have created alonger list(containing similar ideas) on theconversation questions page. General Topics for Discussion or Speeches English is easy to learn. Money is more important than love.
See theDownloads sectionfor the Free Speaking Procedure and Partner Assignment Sheet. Each of the 20 printable topic worksheets below include conversation questions and can be used with the Free Speaking Procedure. See also: The bookConversation Strategieshas some great pairwork activities.The Internet...
directly.Yougetinformation,butnotbyaskingthem.Yougetitbydoing otherthings,listeningtotheiranswers,askingrelatedquestionsperhaps.Earl says,“Wetalkaboutwork,”meaningwhenheandthenewguyhavea conversationit’srelatedtotheirwork,nottotheirallives.Earlthensays, “It’snotmyjobtopryintohisallife.”“Topry”(...
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