BIG W 保温箱 Willow 10L Esky Cooler 低至$10.50, 原价 $24 「澳洲最全购物信息平台 」 原价24刀, 门店活动省9刀,标价是15刀。 不过据大家反应,结账的时候扫出价格是 10.5刀, 限时特惠折上再30%off。 购物地址:Big W Eastla...
5. "esky liner":冷藏箱内衬 6. "esky cooler":冷藏箱 7. "esky carrier":冷藏箱搬运器 8. "esky transport":冷藏箱运输 9. "esky compartment in car":汽车内的冷藏箱隔间 10. "esky storage":冷藏箱储存 以上是贝语网校http://www.beiyuwangxiao.com小编为您整理的esky单词相关内容。 上...
This esky contains a normal hinged lid that front opens. Also the esky contains a large full sized draw from within the esky. This draw is the same size as the esky and is the main feature of the esky. The draw opens along the long side of this esky and operates via some internal ...
(二)(二)It' sSunday today .Th esu nshin e si nth esky .Wat e rdrop sleep sin th eriver .He wak e sup .H efeel sver yhot .S oh ego e su pt ofe e lcooler .Th e nh emeet soth e rdrops an dthey becom e aclou di nth esky .Ther ear emor eand mor ewat e...
Physically Eltanin is an orange giant star, nearly fifty times the Sun's diameter but rather cooler, giving it a distinctive red-orange colour. There are strong indications that Eltanin has a companion star of the red dwarf classification. Designated Gamma Draconis B, this tiny companion ...
(maybe even several bags of ice). Get a Portable Mini Fridge and you' 11 save on the bags of ice as well as a good deal on cleaning time. The Portable Mini Fridge requires a 12V DC supply, and you' 11 find this thermo electric cooler the best thing invented since sliced bread (...
HD 114783 is an orange dwarf star, somehwat smaller and cooler than the Sun, lying some 67 light years from the Solar System in the direction of the constellation Virgo. The star lies somewhat to the north of the star Spica, but with a visual magnitude of +7.6, it is too faint to ...