翻译 Eskimo dog 英[ˈeskəˌməʊ dɔɡ] 美[ˈɛskəˌmo dɔɡ] 释义 北极犬 英英释义 Noun 1. breed of heavy-coated Arctic sled dog
The meaning of ESKIMO DOG is any of an American breed of spitz dogs with a thick white coat; also : any of a breed of Canadian sled dogs.
Dog group Non-sporting Male weight 20-35 lbs Female weight - lbs This post may contain affiliate links to our partners like Chewy, Amazon, and others. Purchasing through these helps us further the A-Z Animals mission to educate about the world's species. Eskimo Dog Pictures View all ...
Eskimo dog- breed of heavy-coated Arctic sled dog husky working dog- any of several breeds of usually large powerful dogs bred to work as draft animals and guard and guide dogs Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc. ...
Kids Definition Eskimo dog noun : any of an American breed of spitz dogs with a thick white coat also : any of a breed of Canadian sled dogs More from Merriam-Webster on Eskimo dog Britannica.com: Encyclopedia article about Eskimo dog ...
爱斯基摩犬(ESKIMO DOG) 爱斯基摩犬的精力极其旺盛,所以它们吃喝、工作、驮物、吠叫“无所不为”。对它们必须要坚持不懈地进行教育与再教育,才能让它们懂得如何尊重自己的主人。爱斯基摩犬有很强烈的群体意识,它们会为自己在群体中的地位不断争斗。而且它们会到处找寻食物并消灭干净。不过,有时它们也会找寻其他动物当作...
AMERICANESKIMODOG GeneralAppearance TheAmericanEskimoDog,alovingcompaniondog,presentsapictureofstrengthand agility,alertnessandbeauty.Itisasmalltomedium-sizeNordictypedog,alwayswhite, orwhitewithbiscuitcream.TheAmericanEskimoDogiscompactlybuiltandwell balanced,withgoodsubstance,andanalert,smoothgait.ThefaceisNordic...
1) Eskimo dog 北极狼犬 2) wolf dog 狼犬 例句>> 3) German shepherd 牧羊犬,狼犬 4) To take a wicked person for a good one 认狼为犬 5) coyote[英][kaɪ'əʊti] [美][kaɪ'otɪ] 北美小狼 6) russian wolfhound 一种俄国狼犬 ...
Eskimo dog 北极犬相关短语 mastiff (猛犬) 獒 warm sea (指南北极圈以外的海洋) 暖水区 相关阅读 便捷的介词用法大全 悲伤时你该说些什么 too和enough该怎么用 7招教你做好笔记 经验分享:你的四六级备考姿势对了吗? 常用英语 你好 晚安 永远 加油 当然 惊喜 微笑 完美 漂亮 没问题 谢谢你 亲爱的 不客气...