播放失败,请刷新页面重试 错误码undefined 重试 Sarah Promo-Eskimo Joe 播放量:57 在手机上播 视频简介 Eskimo Joe发行时间:2012-07-03 Eskimo Joe - Sarah Promo
Sarah Black Fingernails, Red Wine Eskimo Joe
歌曲: Sarah Sarah Won't you tell me your name I've been waiting here for hours In the garden by the flowers You're so shy So just open your eyes The boys all form a line to be written out in time A long, long, long, long time ago ...
MV - Eskimo Joe Sundance —Eskimo Joe 0.0分0人评 歌手:Eskimo Joe 标签:Eskimo JoeSundance 简介:Eskimo Joe - Sundance Gday USA BBQ —Eskimo Joe 0.0分0人评 歌手:Eskimo Joe 标签:Eskimo JoeGday USA BBQ 简介:Eskimo Joe - Gday USA BBQ ...
Eskimo Joe,澳大利亚摇滚乐队。曾发表作品《Comfort You》。 更多介绍 Eskimo Joe,澳大利亚摇滚乐队。曾发表作品《Comfort You》。 播放全选 01Comfort You 02New York 03Black Fingernails, Red Wine 04Breaking Up 05Setting Sun 06London Bombs 07Sarah
Sarah (CD, Single) Mushroom,Warner Music Australia 2006 New York (CD, Single) Mushroom,Warner Music Australia 5101191052, 6161014812 2007 5144220122, 6105102717 2007 London Bombs Warner Music Australia 2007 Mushroom 5144213082, 6171011604 2007
And I just want my suicide girl Oh girlIf her kiss is deep Then you'l sleep Gravestones lie And futures die 专辑信息 1.Comfort You 2.Black Fingernails, Red Wine 3.New York 4.How Does It Feel 5.Beating Like a Drum 6.Breaking Up 7.London Bombs 8.Suicide Girl 9.Sarah 10.This Is ...
More Eskimo Joe lyrics Take A Rest This Room Turn Up Your Stereo Sweater Smoke Slow Down Older Than You Liar Commitment Bells Sarah New York Foreign Land All Eskimo Joe Lyrics → Featured lyrics · IF YOU PRAY RIGHT Lyrics BROCKHAMPTON · FANCY Lyrics TWICE · Single ...
encouraged to bring a folding camp chair. Running Times: GATES OPEN 12.30PM BACHELOR GIRL 1.15- 1.45PM KILLING HEIDI 2.10 – 2.45PM BABY ANIMALS 3.10 – 3.55PM ESKIMO JOE 4.20 - 5.05PM WOLFMOTHER 5.30 - 6.15PM NOISEWORKS 6.40 - 7.30PM ICEHOUSE 8.00PM *Times are approximate and subject to...
歌词 EskimoJoe.BlackFingernails,RedWine. Setting Sun. 爱斯基摩人乔. 黑指甲,红葡萄酒. 塞廷萨恩. ... I've been waiting far too long Staring at the sun Waiting for the night to come So I can get things done I can't wait for this no more My eyes have come ...