The aim of the study was to translate the Intrapersonal Curiosity Scale (InC) into the Czech language and to verify its factor structure and psychometric properties on the sample of grammar school students in the Czech Republic. The Intrapersonal Curiosity Scale InC is...
Jackson State University Jacksonville State University James Madison University Johns Hopkins University Johnson & Wales University Johnson C. Smith University Julliard School Juniata College K (A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Y) Kansas State University Ke...
This is useful when combined with 3rd party classroom management and monitoring software like iTalc, UCS@School, MasterEye, ... Instant switching of virtual rooms is possible. For example, one set of VMs can be used for normal teaching, and a dedicated set of secure VMs can be assigned ...
Recognized by UCF’s School of Public Administration for her leadership in government and community service. Smart Growth America 2023 State Legislator Champions Institute The State Legislator Champions Institute is an initiative to equip state legislators from across the country effectively advocate for...
Eskwelabs is an online upskilling school that gives you access to affordable and high quality data skills education. Increase your salary by 50% like other Eskwelabs graduates Get a project portfolio you’re proud of, to overcome not having work experience Get the latest skills employers need,...
We describe the results and recommendations generated by analyzing national and international experiences in NRM, including agroforestry; and present a case study in the indigenous communities that inhabit the Guarani Reserve for Multiple Use (GRMU) of the School of Forestry-National University of ...
Wei Chengrid.254444.70000 0001 1456 7807Karmanos Cancer InstituteWayne State University Detroit MI USAJae E. Choigrid.214458.e0000000086837370Michigan Center for Translational PathologyUniversity of Michigan School of Medicine Ann Arbor MI USAKimberlee Dobson...
These items were administered to 268 secondary school and university students (172 female, 96 male). The factor analysis has shown two factors of state and trait for both Dysthymia and Euthymia. The Czech version of STDI corresponds to 3 criteria: 1) Items are not visibly similar. 2) Each...
Lance Heilbrungrid.477517.70000 0004 0396 4462Karmanos Cancer Institute, Wayne State University Detroit MI USAJae E. Choigrid.214458.e0000000086837370Michigan Center for Translational PathologyUniversity of Michigan School of Medicine Ann Arbor MI USAKimberlee Dobson...