Microfluidic mixing under low frequency vibrationElectronic supplementary information (ESI) available: Video of swirling of particle laden fluid and video for Fig. 3. See DOI: 10.1039/b819739c.In the laminar flow regime which characterizes the operation of most microfluidic systems, mixing is governed...
Mixing enhancement for high viscous fluids in a microfluidic chamberElectronic supplementary information (ESI) available: Supplementary video. See DOI: 10.1039/c0lc00695e.Due to small channel dimensions and laminar flows, mixing in microfluidic systems is always a challenging task, especially for high ...
High luminescence color gradient by physical mixing of two perovskite nanocrystalsElectronic supplementary information (ESI) available. See DOI: 10.1039/c8nj06178eBansal, ParulKhan, YusufKar, PrasenjitNEW JOURNAL OF CHEMISTRY
lime jauhatusaine and mixing of the reduced vesisuspension lime methodAgent for grinding coarse lime to be refined by grinding in an aqueous medium to a microparticulate size, consisting of water-soluble ethylenic polymer and/or copolymer, characterised in that, in order to increase the ...
lime jauhatusaine and mixing of the reduced vesisuspension lime methodAgent for grinding coarse lime to be refined by grinding in an aqueous medium to a microparticulate size, consisting of water-soluble ethylenic polymer and/or copolymer, characterised in that, in order to increase the ...
Anomalous mixing behaviour in rotationally actuated microfluidic devicesElectronic supplementary information (ESI) available. See DOI: 10.1039/c1lc20453j.We analyse the characteristics of two-fluid mixing in T-shaped microchannels on rotating platforms (Lab-on-a-Compact-Disk framework). Three regimes of...
We developed a new passive-type micromixer based on the baker's transformation and realized a fast mixing of a protein solution, which has lower diffusion constant. The baker's transformation is an ideal mixing method, but there is no report on the microfluidic baker's transformation (MBT), ...
lime jauhatusaine and mixing of the reduced vesisuspension lime methodAgent for grinding coarse lime to be refined by grinding in an aqueous medium to a microparticulate size, consisting of water-soluble ethylenic polymer and/or copolymer, characterised in that, in order to increase the ...
Rodriguez, "DC-biased AC-electroosmotic and AC-electrothermal flow mixing in microchannels," Lab on a Chip, vol. 9, pp. 802-809, 2009.Wee Yang Ng, Shireen Goh, Yee Cheong Lam, Chun Yang and Isabel Rodriguez. DC- biased AC-electroosmotic and AC-electrothermal flow mixing in microchannels....
Rapid mixing of sub-microlitre drops by magnetic micro-stirring. Electronic supplementary information (ESI) available. See DOI: 10.1039/c1lc20354a.We demonstrate rapid mixing of sub-microlitre droplets (250 nl) using miniaturized magnetic stir bars (400 μm × 200 μm × 15 μm). The stir...