T-Mobile has added support for eSIM cards for iPhone users to its postpaid plans, in addition to prepaid plan options. Amber Neely|5 years ago 6 DOJ requiring eSIM support as condition of Sprint & T-Mobile merger, including Dish A small but significant condition of the Justice Department app...
Google Pixel 3 models purchased from US or Canadian service carriers (other than Sprint and Google Fi) are NOT eSIM compatible. If you have any type of Google Pixel 3 model phone, check with your local carrier to see if it supports an eSIM before purchasing an eSIM. Honor Phones Compatible...
Learn which devices are eSIM compatible. This list includes iPhones, iPads, Android phones and Windows-based laptops.
Verizon 表示,其正与苹果合作解决此问题,以便客户在性能不受影响的情况下使用该公司的 eSIM 卡。令人不解的是,作为美国第四大运营商的 Sprint,竟然未出现在苹果的 eSIM 运营商支持名单上。通过双 SIM / eSIM 卡功能,iPhone 用户可以在两个号码间轻松切换,从而避免准备第二部手机、或手动更换实体 SIM 卡的麻...
All Data plans (4G/3G Speed) will thereafter follow unlimited data under *FUP for the duration of the validity plan eSIM can only be installed once. Do NOT DELETE/REMOVE your eSIM from your device after successful installation You can have different eSIM plans installed in your device ...
Is it going to be like Sprint or Verizon, where you need to get permission to change carriers or unlock your phone? Or is it going to be like the unlocked phones that we have now, that give you complete control over your sim card and how often you can change your carrier? Reply ...
I moved to Germany from the states recently and could not find a prepaid "top-up" e-sim plan as I had planned. This company creates a perfect for solution for those of us who have primary cell providers (Sprint for me) who have not yet embraced e-sim services. Install was immediate,...
整体感觉不错,v白分期内置电信卡,自带美国esim ,检查外观也OK,打了两把王者没有460一说,整体满意,美国的短信说我每天可以有10美元可以用哈哈 +1 分享242 db卡贴吧 天成伟业💯 DouBle-sim卡贴菜单功能说明1、 选择手机运营商,如:美国sprint的手机,点击“当前运营商”在弹出的菜单中选择“US Sprint”来更改运营...
移动运营商:AT&T、CK Hutchison、Deutsche Telekom、Etisalat、EE、KDDI、NTT DOCOMO、Orange、Rogers、SFR、Sprint、Telefónica、Telenor、TeliaSonera、Telstra、TIM、Transatel、Verizon、Vodafone ; SIM芯片厂商:Gemalto、Giesecke&Devrient、Morpho(赛峰)、Oasis Smart SIM、Oberthur Technologies、Qualcomm、STMicroelectronics、...
Some carriers have better deals, but most limit LTE access or charge quite a bit for data. T-Mobile has free unlimited 2G speeds when traveling or charges $5 per day for 0.5GB of high speed data, Sprint offers free 2G data when traveling or offers high speed data passes for $5 day ...