Presently there are about 3.2 crore employees who are enrolled under this scheme and as per the data available about more than 13 crore members cumulatively till today have taken benefit of this scheme in one way or other. The benefits could be either in cash or in form of medical ...
Provide ESIC benefits to your employees by getting anESI Registration Online. BizindiGo offers an online and hassle-free process for ESI Registration in India. Popular Services:EPF Registration|GST Registration|GST Return| What is an Employee's State Insurance (ESI)?
Ease of Benefit Processing: Smooth processing of claims and benefits for employees is ensured by accurately filing returns promptly, leading to timely support without unnecessary delays. Financial Health: A company's financial and operational well-being is positively impacted by consistently adhering to ...
The findings suggest that the insured persons covered under the ESIC scheme benefits aremoderately satisfied with services particularly medical care benefits and still a lot of efforts are to be made in this regard for improvement which is vital for success of ESI schemes and to cure the various...
What is the full form of ESIC? - ESIC Full Form is Employees State Insurance Corporation. Learn more about Employees State Insurance Corporation by visiting BYJU'S.
Employees State Insurance is a scheme initiated by the government to provide socio-economic protection to the working class and immediate dependents or family covered under the scheme. Insured persons are entitled to a variety of benefits in times of distress due to sickness, disablement, confinement...
+ Doing due diligence audit in the field of labour laws especially for companies having contractors and for companies whose compliances is been looked inhouse by their HR’s. + Conducting workshops / seminars / lectures in the field of labour laws and updating employees on the benefits under la...