ESI-MS spectrum.Agustina, García
We show that CFM can be used in both a MS/MS spectrum prediction task (ie, predicting the mass spectrum from a chemical structure), and in a putative metabolite identification task (ranking possible structures for a target MS/MS spectrum). In the MS/MS spectrum prediction task, CFM shows ...
对照品和样品的色谱图见图 1。 图1对照品(A)、连翘心样品(B)的多重反应监测色谱图和对照品二级质谱图(C)Fig.1Multiple-reaction monitoring chromatograms of reference substances (A) and the seed ofForsythia suspense(Thunb.) Vahl samples (B) and second mass spectrum of reference substances (C) 2.1...
丹参脂溶性成分的ESI-MS行为及其特征图 谱研究 122中草药ChineseTraditionalandHerbalDrugs第37卷第1期2006年1月 酸乙醇溶液,水溶性部位采用5%香草醛浓硫酸溶液 作为显色剂.水溶性部位的薄层与液相色谱图谱相 比,前者在特征表达和直观辨认等方面更具优势.3.3高效液相色谱条件的选择:据文献报道~和 通过色谱条件的优化...
We show that CFM can be used in both a MS/MS spectrum prediction task (ie, predicting the mass spectrum from a chemical structure), and in a putative metabolite identification task (ranking possible structures for a target MS/MS spectrum). In the MS/MS spectrum prediction task, CFM shows ...
Among them, six compounds were accurately identified by comparison with reference substances; The structures of five compounds were inferred according to their MS spectrum and polarity. Conclusion HPLC-ESI-MS provides not only a new technique for the rapid identification of phenanthrenes from complex ...
Mass spectrum condition wasas follows:ESI ion source,positive and negative ion detection mode;capillary voltage of 3.0 kV and -2.5 kV;bore-hole voltageof 25 V and -20 V;ion temperature of 350 ℃;full scan pattern;mass range m/z 100-1 000. RESULTS:8 degradation products(M1-M8)of ...
质谱图的质谱图的概念Mass spectrum 2018-12-07 03:45:54 341 0 气相色谱质谱联用仪跑出的质谱图该怎样分析呢? 气相色谱质谱联用仪跑出的质谱图该怎样分析呢? 2018-04-04 13:21:57 163 1 质谱图的问题 我是高中生,麻烦解释通俗点,质谱图的横纵坐标分别代表什么?如何通过一个质谱图来判断一个物质...
The peptide/protein mass is determined by deconvolution of the ESI-MS spectrum, and the resolution can be better than 1:10,000 with the instruments currently available. Accurate mass measurement, coupled with sufficient resolution, makes it possible to greatly restrict the enormous number of ...
TiO_2 nanofiber and microsphere were synthesized by theelectrospinningmethod and characterized by X ray powder diffraction, scan electronic microscope, ultraviolet visible diffuse reflectance spectrum and nitrogen sorption analysis. 采用电喷法合成了TiO2纳米纤维与微米球。