ESI-TOF-MS spectra of telomeric DNA d[(TTAGGG)4TTA] (Q) in the absence and presence of drugs.LiPing, BaiHingMan, HoDikLung, MaHui, YangWaiChung, FuZhiHong, Jiang
因此,本实验首次采用UPLC-ESI-Q-TOF-MS技术从鸡冠花子中鉴定出76个化学成分,其中27个化学成分为该种首次发现,并首次归纳荨麻科类型环肽和茄科类型环肽的质谱裂解特点,为其质量控制和药效物质基础阐明提供科学依据。 1. 材料 1.1 仪器 Waters ACQUITY UPLCTM液相色谱仪、Waters SYNAPT G2-S Q-TOF质谱仪(美国...
目的:探索HPLC—ESI—TOF—MS法快速分离与鉴别益母草药材中化学成分的可行性。方法:以 益母草水提液为供试品,以芦丁、汉黄芩素为标准品,采用Agilentporoshell120SB.C18(3mm×100mill, 2.7 m)色谱柱,流动相为0.1%甲酸水溶液一乙腈,梯度洗脱,流速0.4ml/min,检测波长254nm,柱温 ...
结果:采用 HPLC—ESI—TOF—MS法,通过标准品 的比对并结合数据库匹配技术和碎片离子分析,共鉴别出益母草中7种主要化学成分。结论 :基于 HPLC— EsI_T0F—MS联用技术对益母草中的化学成分可进行快速 、高效的分析,为益母草的药效物质基础和质量控 制研究奠定了基础。 【关键词】 益母草;化学成分;鉴别;高效液相...
GPC-MALDI-TOF MS by recalibration 1063 1400 3311 1.32 GPC-ESI-TOF MS by spectra-summing 623 731 933 1.17 GPC-ESI-TOF MS by recalibration 641 867 1782 1.35 It is well documented that direct MS analysis under-estimates the MWD of polydispersed polymers. From our experiments the PD of the...
白芍水提部位化学成分的HPLC—ESI—Q—TOF—MS分析 [通信作者]*李祥,教授,博士生导师,Tel:(025)85811512,E-mail:lixiang_8182@163 白芍中含有多种化学成分,包括单萜及其苷类、黄酮、鞣质、多糖等,有抗炎、免疫调节、抗病毒、抗氧化、抗惊厥、胃肠道疾病、护肝和心血管疾病等的药理作用。当前针对白芍的化学成分...
ESI-ToF MS: EPS have been analyzed in negative-ion mode on a QqTOF system (Ultima, Waters). Probe: 3 kV, cone 50 V, Rf lens 25 V and collision: 10V, up to 25V for MS/MS. Samples heve been dissolved at a concentration of 2 mg.mL-1 in water/methanol 1:1 with 0.1 % ammoni...
ESI处理器实现的缓存是内存内缓存。 4. AllESIengines can also be operated with conventional oils. 所有ESI引擎也能够传统的机油运行。 5. Its structure was characterized byESI-MS spectra and elemental analysis. 利用ESI- MS及元素分析对其结构进行表征。 单词专题...
ESI-MS for peptides应用说明说明书 Applications of ESI-MS for peptides •All synthetically prepared peptides should be analyzed by ESI-MS.•Guarantees of purity based on observation of “a single peak by reversed-phase HPLC” and by “it gave the correct sequence when analyzed by Edman ...