Definition Electrospray ionization (ESI) is a method of generating ions directly from a solution. Different types of mass analyzers and detectors can be combined with an ESI source to build a mass spectrometer for the determination of the molecular weights of peptides and proteins and the mass ...
"Electrospray Ionization for Mass Spectrometry of Large Biomolecules" J. B. Fenn, M. Mann, C. K. Meng, S. F. Wong and C. M. Whitehouse, Science 246, 64 (1989) Operational definitions • Electrospray: An electrical nebulization of liquid that results in the formation of charged mic...
气相色谱法虽然可以将复杂混合物中的各个组分分离开,但其定性能力较差,通常只是利用组分的保留特性来定性,这在欲定性的组分完全未知或无法获得组分的标准样品时,对组分定性分析就十分困难了。随着质谱(mass spectrometry, MS)、红外光谱及核磁共振等定性分析手段的发展,目前主要采用在线的联用技术,即将色谱法与其它定性或...
液相色谱-质谱仪(ESI)确认 质谱的电离源包括Ionisation sources of Mass Spectrometry include:: ESI:电喷雾电离Electrospray Ionisation APCI:大气压化学电离Atmospheric Pressure Chemical Ionisation APPI:大气压力光电离Atmospheric Pressure Photo-Ionisation LEVEL III. Periodic and motivated instrument checks - Recommendat...
工作原理:ESI质谱(Electrospray Ionization Mass Spectrometry, ESI-MS)是一种软电离技术,通过电喷雾过程产生带有多电荷的离子,适用于分析强极性、大分子量的样品。它特别适合分析那些在常规电离技术下难以挥发或热不稳定的化合物。 应用领域:ESI质谱广泛应用于生物化学、药物开发、环境科学等领域,特别是在蛋...
ESI-MS是Electrospray Ionization Mass Spectrometry的缩写,即电喷雾电离质谱技术。 该技术通常用于分析化学和生物化学中,通过将样品溶解于挥发性有机溶剂中,通过高压电喷雾产生微细雾化的样品离子,然后进行质谱分析。 Mass Spectrometry是质谱技术的意思,是一种用于分析和鉴定化学物质的方法。 该技术通过将样品中的分子或...
High spatial resolution in mass spectrometry imaging (MSI) is crucial to understanding the biology dictated by molecular distributions in complex tissue systems. Here, we present MSI using infrared matrix-assisted laser desorption electrospray ionization (IR-MALDESI) at 50 渭m resolution. An adjustable...
质谱的电离源包括Ionisation sources of Mass Spectrometry include:: ESI:电喷雾电离Electrospray Ionisation APCI:大气压化学电离Atmospheric Pressure Chemical Ionisation APPI:大气压力光电离Atmospheric Pressure Photo-Ionisation LEVEL III. Periodic and motivated instrument checks - Recommendations and related typical ac...
ESI(Electrospray Ionization)轨道式质谱法(Orbitrap Mass Spectrometry)是现代质谱分析技术中的一种高分辨率质谱技术。它是基于质谱仪中的离子陷阱和轨道飞行时间(Orbitrap)两种技术的结合,能够提供高灵敏度、高分辨率和高质量的分析结果。 ESI质谱法使用电喷雾(Electrospray)的方式将待测物溶液在电场作用下喷雾成细小的液...
ESI-Mass Spectrometry Analysis of Unsubstituted and Disubstituted -Cyclodextrins: Fragmentation Mode and Identification of the AB, AC, AD Regioisomers Stefano Sforza, Gianni Galaverna, Roberto Corradini, Arnaldo Dossena, and Rosangela Marchelli Department of Organic and Industrial Chemistry, University ...