Failure to comply with these regulations can result in penalties under the Factories Act and rules established by the Central Government. For employees, the ESI scheme offers comprehensive medical benefits at ESIC hospitals and approved medical institutions. The scheme also provides health insurance for...
The ESI Corporation is providing medical facilities to the insured persons and their family through large network of hospitals and dispensaries all over India. Outpatient Department (OPD) of ESI Hospital is the first point of contact of the hospital with patients. The care in the OPD is believed...
District wise break up details of ESI Dispensaries and Hospitals, availability of Doctors, beds etc are given in the Annexure. I 2.4. & 2.5. Duties/Main activities/functions of Public Authority The duties are to provide medical treatment of high standard and quality medicine to the ESI ...
In selected cases and conditions which cannot be treated under ESIC Infrastructure they allow for cashless treatment at outside Private Hospitals. Is it mandatory for the Employer to register under the scheme? Yes, it is the statutory responsibility of the employer under Section 2A of the Act to...
Alessandro Putzu, Geneva University Hospitals, SwitzerlandRamachandran Ramani, University of Florida, USAStefano Romagnoli, Azienda Ospedaliero Universitaria Careggi, Italy Ecaterina Scarlatescu, Fundeni Clinical Institute, RomaniaSavino Spadaro, University of Ferrara, ItalyIssam Tanoubi, Universite de Montreal...
In order to improve the delivery of health care services and ensuring proper use of resources available in ESIC Hospitals, decision of establishing Vigilance Inspection Unit in ESIC Hospitals has been taken. Smt. M. Sathiyavathy, Secretary, Labour & Employment, Sh. Raj Kumar, Direc...
for last 20 years and are associated with a number of industries such as Public/Private Sector Undertakings,Software and Mechanical Engineering, Electronics & I.T. Industries, Exports Houses, Hospitals/Nursing Homes, Builders & Developers, Pharmaceuticals, Hotels, etc., located in all over India. ...
intelligent identity cards known as Pehchan cards or ESI cards. The ESI card contains the details of the employee, including name, father's name, address, and insurance number. The employee needs to produce the card for availing the benefits from hospitals and dispensaries coming under the ESI...