Impact of Covid 19 Pandemic on ESG Indices In IndiaOza, PriyankaDedhia, HarshAnvesha
21.6M Laptops + Desktops 4.7M Loose Drives 906K Servers You May Also Like Blancco achieves goal of becoming carbon neutral Blancco Wins SEAL Business Sustainability Award [Infographic] Data Erasure’s Role in the Circular Economy Poor Sustainability Practices: Enterprises are Overlooking the E-waste ...
where it claims to be leading the energy transition and at the forefront of fighting climate change. Iberdrola points to Repsol's status as Spain's top greenhouse gas emitter to argue that Repsol's self-portrayal as a sustainability leader is ...
The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) and the Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority (IRDAI), in addition to MCA and SEBI, have also released recommendations for ESG reporting for businesses operating in the banking and insurance sectors, respectively. Companies must follow these rules to implemen...
The global positioning of India in measures of pollution, corruption, living conditions, governance is a measure that we are no way near to that moral pedestal that many narratives talk about. The book is a reflection on our times. Reading through, you feel that the Indian businesses have to...
The challenge in achieving the goal of "the maximum happiness of the majority of people" also lies in the fact that an enterprise needs to care not only about their own status and development (it is not only about financial returns...
The Bank has implemented an Environment and Social Risk Management System (ESMS) to manage its financing activities' environmental and social impact. YES BANK has also developed and brought to market a number of new financial instruments such as India's first Green Bond in 2015...
MSCI.COM | PAGE 11 OF 50 ESG RATINGS METHODOLOGY MSCI ESG RESEARCH LLC Description Company has a unique business model Company faces a severe or very severe controversy on non-Key Issue Rule Exception-based, ESG Ratings Methodology Committee approval required Based on severity, status, and date ...
In the above backdrop of increasing shift to captive power, it is essential to understand the fundamentals, the regulatory standards required to maintain the status of CGPs, principles of proportionality, and the exemptions granted to a captive user. ...
Vietnam’s new stock trading system to go live in Q2 An upgrade to emerging market status is expected to attract billions of additional fund inflows 18 Mar 2025 Treasury & Capital Markets/On The Move Citi strengthens Australia and New Zealand franchise ...