Our public ESG Ratings & Climate corporate search tool allows you to search over 2,900 companies that are constituents of the MSCI All Country World Index (ACWI). You can search by company name or ticker to view the ESG and climate risks and opportunities the company might face, i...
Our public ESG Ratings & Climate corporate search tool allows you to search over 2,900 companies that are constituents of the MSCI All Country World Index (ACWI). You can search by company name or ticker to view the ESG and climate risks and opportunities the company might face, including:...
4. 进入ESG Ratings & Climate Search Tool页面,在搜索栏输入要查找的公司名称,即可找到参与MSCI评估的...
点击其中的“ESG Ratings & Climate Search Tool”,这将打开一个新的搜索页面。 输入公司名称或股票代码进行查询: 在搜索页面的搜索栏中,输入您想要查询的公司名称或股票代码。 点击搜索按钮,系统将显示与该查询相关的ESG评级信息。 查看ESG评级结果: 在搜索结果中,您可以找到关于该公司的ESG评级报告、评级历史数据以...
https://www.sustainalytics.com/esg-ratings 评级查询路径:Company Ratings -- 输入股票代码或公司...
MSCI ESG 评级结果采用七级制,从AAA(最高 ESG 评级)到 CCC(最低 ESG 评级)。评级分为领先(AAA、AA)、平均(A、BBB、BB)和落后(B、CCC)。💡 评级查询 可在MSCI官网通过ESG Ratings & Climate Search Tool查询,查询时输入股票代码或公司简称。另外可在MSCI数据平台中下载被评企业的评级报告(被评企业免费,其...
Real Estate Climate Value-at-Risk (Climate VaR), a forward-looking and return-based valuation assessment for individual assets and portfolios. Transparency Tools ESG Ratings & Climate Search Tool Explore the Implied Temperature Rise, Decarbonization Targets, MSCI ESG Rating and Key ESG Issues of over...
MSCI的ESG主管Remy Briand说:“我们相信长期而言,气候变化将成为其中一个最重要的投资因素”。MSCI收集温室气体减排目标数据主要是用作分析企业气候变化相关风险。邮件中提及了该分析模型,其名字是MSCI Climate Value-at-Risk (Climate VaR)。 首先,小编先给大家介绍一下什么叫做Value at Risk (“VaR”)? VaR中文一...
Access climate change risk and opportunity calculations for 10,000+ companies with assessments of all associated equities and corporate bonds, 9,000+ sovereign bonds across 46 markets, and over 1 million private real estate assets. Explore estimations on how the value of investment portfolios could ...
If Investor A prioritizes environmental and climate issues, they can easily look at the ratings provided by the Carbon Disclosure Project to identify the companies that are big performers. On the other hand, if Investor B is concerned with environmental, social and governance factors, they can lo...