This study analyzes the effect of environmental, social, and governance (ESG) performance on banking stability in the digital era for a selected group of European banking institutions. Unlike many research, this paper incorporates the digital environment in which the European banking system operates in...
Muir,D.M.(2022),“Sustainable investing and fiduciary obligations in pension funds:The need for sustainable regulation”,American Business Law Journal,59(4):621-677. Orlitzky,M.(2015),“The politics of corporate social responsibility or:Why Milton Friedman has be...
Social, and Governance (ESG) factors into their investment decisions and ownership practices. ESG is an abbreviation coined in 2004 in the report “Who cares Wins: Connecting
respectively, price and therefore a higher return in comparison with stocks which have a high ESG rating. Another reason supporting thedoing good but not well-hypothesis is the trade-off theory stated by Aupperle et al. (
We have also built a "CCB University", piloting on a contemporary vocational financial education with the integration of business, education, research and application, training new financial talents for CCB and society. Looking at the development trend of the banking industry, it can be predicted ...
In the analyses, financial and non-financial factors were also considered. The results suggested that, within the last year, the methodology presented by credit rating agencies has changed, and ESG factors are one of the basic measures that are used to verify credit rating changes, especially ...
However, the ESG controversies rating evaluates a company’s vulnerability to environmental, social, and governance issues and negative events as depicted in global media. Some authors have recently examined the impact of the ESG discussion on non-financial companies, but none have specifically ...
In November, Rankins CSR Ratings, RKS, an authoritative rating agency in China, rated the 2010 Social Responsibility Report of CITIC Bank an AA report and ranked it the 6th of all domestic listed companies and the first of the banking sector. In December, the Bank once again won the "...
We have also built a "CCB University", piloting on a contemporary vocational financial education with the integration of business, education, research and application, training new financial talents for CCB and society. Looking at the development trend of the banking industry, it can be predicted ...
Finding the Value in Environmental, Social and Governance Performance Chapter© 2015 1Introduction The relevance of sustainability has grown exponentially within society and financial capitalism. Key concepts such as stakeholder capitalism and sustainable finance have greatly contributed to the contemporary de...