as part of the supplier screening process, to provide a completed written certification that addresses risks of human trafficking and slavery (described in paragraph three below). The verification is conducted by Lam Research’s Global Supply Chain Management Contracts and...
During my SIT speaker session, I have been asked how ESG is integrated in traditional Supply chain. To answer that, let us understand ESG key factors first. Environmental Factor will Primarily focus on Climate actions, Water & waste management, Biodiversity loss basically Scope 1 & Scope 2 of...
风险和危机管理(Risk and crisis management)考察公司风险管理组织和实践的有效性,包括公司的风险管理是否独立于主营业务线,公司长期风险的识别、风险的潜在影响以及公司应对风险的措施等。 随着企业向全球扩张,供应链管理(Supply chain management)变得越来越重要。当公司外包其生产、服务或业务流程时,它也外包了自己的企...
This center enables a clear view of risk management and mitigation across the company. It ensures consistency in the development of ESG guidelines, sharing of best practices, and performance tracking. A center also catalyzes internal collaboration by setting guidelines and requirements for each unit an...
Non supply chain data sharing 'a one way mirror' Fewer than two-thirds of UK companies (61%) share ESG data with those in the supply chain, which is slightly higher than the percentage for companies overall (58%). For the businesses that don’t share their data, this creates a one-...
Supply Chain Management Having a sustainable supply chain is one of the fundamental factors for ensuring long-term business growth. Based on the principles of openness, fairness and good faith, Tencent has formulated theTencent Supplier Management Policyto provide standardised management of suppliers by...
Sustainable Supply Chain Management Education for Sustainable Futures Artificial Intelligence for Sustainable Development 这些非常有特色和细分的ESG项目。由此可见,整个学术界都非常重视ESG,且不遗余力地推出多样化的学术项目来进一步推动ESG在各行各业的实践和发展。
Lenovo is committed to sound Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) management across its end-to-end supply chain process. Along with demanding high-quality materials, parts, and products from our suppliers, we have ESG-specific systems in place, supported by contractual requirements to help en...
Firms must master overall Supply Chain Management and incorporate ESG into their overall supply chain strategy if they are going to succeed in their ESG efforts. Consideration should be given to an integrated approach between ESG strategy, process, technology, and data across the supply chain to en...
香港中文大学(深圳)校长的讲座教授、经管学院执行院长、深圳高等金融研究院金融科技与社会金融研究中心主任、深圳数据经济研究院副院长张博辉,他带来学术成果“Can Individual Investors Impose Discipline on Corporate Management。北京大学光华管理学院助理教授阮宏勋