Furthermore, by analyzing the three different components of ESG performance, governance performance has the strongest impact on financial performance in comparison to environmental and social performance. Originality/value - The analysis makes a key contribution to the empirical CSR research as we break ...
Abstract:ESG investment focuses on environmental protection, social responsibility and corporate governance. In recent years, under the joint promotion of the government and the market, this concept has been gradually recognized by domestic investors. Based on China's institutional ESG rating and A-sha...
DOES ESG PERFORMANCE IMPACT FINANCIAL PERFORMANCE? EVIDENCE FROM THE UTILITIES SECTOR The aim of this study is to provide evidence for the impact of environmental, social and corporate governance (ESG) performances of companies operating in ... Y Eker,N Gngr - 《World of Accounting Science》 被...
Another strategy, ESG integration—which accounts for ESG factors along with financial ones when valuing a company—tends to have better financial performance than concessionary impact investing (in which an investor accepts lower financial returns in ...
第一阶段为萌芽期(2007—2014年),国外研究主要围绕ESG的单一元素展开,在环境方面重视环境信息披露(environmental disclosure),在社会层面重视社会责任的履行(corporatesocial responsibility),在管理方面重视公司治理能力、企业可持续发展(corporate ...
ThispaperfirstsortsouttheconceptsandrelatedtheoreticalfoundationsofESGathomeandabroad,andexpoundstheimpactofESGonfinancialperformance.Secondly,theenterpriseperformanceevaluationsystemcurrentlyusedbyBYDisanalyzed,andthenecessityofintroducingESGintoBYDs Abstract performanceevaluationisconcluded.Onthisbasis,theentropymethod,AHP...
With the deepening of the sustainable development concept, the corporate Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) responsibilities have attracted increasing attention. However, the impact of ESG performance on corporate financial behavior and cash holding decisions has not been fully studied. This paper...
This study investigates the empirical link between the social and financial performance of the Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs) by utilizing the PVAR-
Oikonomou, I., Brooks, C., & Pavelin, S. (2012). The impact of corporate social performance on financial risk and utility: A longitudinal analysis. Financial Management, 41(2), 483–515. Oikonomou, I., Brooks, C., & Pavelin, S. (2014a). The financial effects of uniform and mixed...
,Koh L.The Impact of Environmental,Social,and Governance Disclosure on Firm Value:The Role of CEO Power[J].British Accounting Review,2018,(1):60-75. [6]Miralles-Quiros M M,Miralles-Quiros J L,Goncalves L M V.The Value...