ESG披露是指企业向投资者和其他利益相关方提供与ESG相关的信息,以增加透明度和促进可持续投资。 港交所(The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited)是香港主要的证券交易所,其ESG披露准则旨在引导上市公司提供与ESG相关的信息,以帮助投资者了解企业的ESG表现,并促进可持续发展。 2. 港交所ESG披露准则的重要性 港交...
Bank of China (Hong Kong) Limited (“BOCHK”), continually provides diversified financial services, proactively promotes green and sustainable development, develops various ESG-related finance products and services. We collaborate with all the stakeholders in the society to combat the challenge of clima...
港交所(The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited)意识到ESG信息披露的重要性,为了提高香港上市公司的ESG披露质量和透明度,于2013年发布了ESG披露指引。本文将对港交所ESG披露指引进行全面、详细、完整和深入地探讨。 二、港交所ESG披露指引概述 港交所ESG披露指引是一项自愿性的指导性文件,旨在帮助香港上市公司披露...
2023年,优世界(上海)认证服务有限公司(Universal ESG Standard (Shanghai)Limited)成立。 机构使命(Mission): 贯彻美丽中国发展战略,培育新质生产力,全方位传播、推动与践行ESG理念,为全球绿色可持续发展贡献中国智慧和方案。 机构职能(Functions): 联合国际与国内权威机构、标杆企业与专家学者共同打造《通用ESG标准》...
港交所ESG披露准则是指香港交易所(Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing Limited,简称:港交所)制定的关于环境、社会和公司治理(ESG)信息披露的标准和要求。 这些准则旨在促进香港上市公司提供更全面和准确的ESG信息,并帮助投资者更好地了解公司的可持续发展表现。 港交所ESG披露准则涵盖了以下方面的要求: 1.环境:要求上...
For example, in 2019 the SFC reprimanded and fined UBS AG and UBS Securities Hong Kong Limited (UBS Securities Hong Kong) (collectively, UBS) a sum of HKD375 million for failing to discharge their obligations as one of the joint sponsors of three listing applications. This was on...
香港交易所(Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing Limited,简称HKEX)是香港的主要证券交易所。为了推动企业在环境、社会、治理(ESG)方面的透明度和可持续发展,港交所于2019年发布了《可持续发展及ESG报告》要求,要求在港交所上市的公司披露与ESG相关的信息。 港交所ESG披露准则的主要内容包括: 1.关键指标披露:要求上市...
The SFC is the sponsor of the working group, while the ICMA acts as the secretariat. Its members include ESG service providers, asset managers, financial institutions and Hang Seng Indexes Company Limited. The Hong Kong Monetary Authority and the Insurance Authority sit as observers. ...
based on case law and statute. All directors of Hong Kong companies are advised to read the Guide, which is made accessible from the CR, the Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing Limited (HKEx), the Securities & Futures Commission (SFC), the Official Receiver’s Office and the Hong Kong ...
the Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing Limited (HKEx), the Securities & Futures Commission (SFC), the Official Receiver’s Office and the Hong Kong Monetary Authority (HKMA). Among the principles covered in the said Guide, “Principle 1” states the duty to act in good faith for the benefit...