This paper investigates the role of environmental, social, and governance (ESG) performance in stock prices during the market financial crisis caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. We use the Chinese listed company data as the bases for adopting an event-study method to identify the impact of ESG ...
However, the relation between ESG risk scores and stock performance and valuation is complex, and the impact of the various ESG components deserves further research. The effect of ESG com- ponent scores should be taken into account when using ESG indexes as investment clues....
and inhibiting thestock price crash risk is an important path for ESG performance to improve enterprise value, which plays a complete intermediary effect. The above conclusions provide an empirical reference for promoting listed compani...
[19] Clark G L, Feiner A, Viehs M. The relation between corporate sustainability performance and stock market performance: An international analysis[J]. Journal of Applied Corporate Finance, 2018, 30(3): 44-54. [20] Eccles R G, Ioannou I, Serafeim G. The impact of corporate sustainabilit...
[2]Ali Fatemi, Martin Glaum, Stefanie Kaiser. ESG performance and firm value: The moderating role of disclosure[J]. Global Finance Journal, 2017(38): 45-64 [3]Cui B , Docherty P . Stock Price Overreaction to ESG Controversies[J]. Social Science Electronic Publishing.[4]...
performance and choose not to invest in them, for companies with good ESG performance, investors pay less attention to their ESG performance but more attention to other aspects such as business performance;Third, there exists a causal relationship betwee...
S&P Global:探索ESG中的G(二)来源:新浪财经 原标题:Exploring the G in ESG: The Relationship Between Good Corporate Governance and Stock Performance – Part 2 作者:Kelly Tang 来源:S&P Global 本篇文章将研究EDS是否包含风险/回报信息,以及它如何影响未来的股票表现。今年以来,截至2018年4月12日,...
32. Serafeim, G., ESG: Hyperboles and Reality, Harvard Business School, 2021. 33. Serafeim, G., & A. Yoon, Stock Price Reactions to ESG News: The Role of ESG Ratings and Disagreement, Harvard Business School, 2021. 34. Serafeim, G., & F. Mark, Divestment Alone Won’ t Beat Clima...
Societe Generale looked at the impact of "high ESG controversy" events on stock performance, and found that two thirds of the time shares underperformed the broader market by an average of 12% over the subsequent 2 years. "A controversy event will halt the rise in a stock price, and for ...
Brandon, al.(2021),“ESG rating disagreement and stock returns”,Financial Analysts Journal,77(4):104-127. Brooks,C. & I.Oikonomou(2018),“The effects of environmental,social and governance disclosures and performance on firm value:A review of the lite...