Hong Kong continues to drive standards in relation to the integration of environment, social and governance (ESG) factors into financial services, market integrity and consumer protection goals. Hong Kong regulators have long recognised the pivotal interaction between financial markets and clima...
Hong Kong voluntary code of conduct for ESG ratings and data products providers The Securities and Futures Commission of Hong Kong (SFC) is sponsoring the International Capital Market Association (ICMA) to form a working group to develop voluntary code of conduct for environmental, social and govern...
(2022年10月24日,香港)复星国际有限公司(香港联交所股份代号:00656)近日荣获两大业内权威机构-香港管理专业协会(HKMA)及Hong Kong ESG Reporting Awards(HERA)颁发的环境、社会和治理(ESG)报告披露荣誉,表彰公司在ESG策略、企业治理及信息披露等方面的优异表现和工作成果得到了权威机构及市场的认可。香港管...
凭借BDO在投资上以及香港理工大学专业进修学院在学术领域上的专业知识和经验,这项调查得以揭示香港上市公司的ESG(环境、社会和治理)报告存在的普遍问题。报告反映,一些公司只是部分地满足香港交易及结算所有限公司(Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing Limited,简称港交所,英文简称HKEx)提案的新要求和规范。特别是,公...
香港考试地址:新蒲崗爵祿街17號, Hong Kong Examinations And Assessment Authority 出行记得避开早高峰哦,提前了解酒店与考场的路线。 到地方后,门口有两个保安会问你考什么。我考的是9点的ESG,但是七点半就到了,所以保安让我先去找...
哈鲁留学学员获香港理工大学ESG与可持续发展硕士录取!学生背景:澳门科技大学-工商管理GPA3.1+,IELTS6.5录取结果:The Hong Kong Polytechnic University--ESG与可持续发展 下面,我们一起来简单了解该项目的一些信息~一、项目简介:支持绿色低碳转型的可持续发展是全球趋势。近年来,各经济体逐渐公布了迈向碳中和的...
In the continuing “mainstreaming” of the importance of corporate environmental, social and governance (ESG) performance, let us focus on “G” as we start the new year. Hong Kong is one of the earliest jurisdictions to have introduced ESG reporting of listed companies, and the requirements ...
In the continuing “mainstreaming” of the importance of corporate environmental, social and governance (ESG) performance, let us focus on “G” as we start the new year. Hong Kong is one of the earliest jurisdictions to have introduced ESG reporting of listed companies, and the requirements ha...
(2022年10月3日 — 香港) 香港光電控股有限公司(「香港光電」或「本公司」)欣然宣布,於2022年9月30日與國際知名認證機構BSI太平洋有限公司(「BSI」)簽訂合作備忘錄,作為本公司合作ESG認證機構,加強太陽能、可再生能源與ESG相關行業的市場推廣。 ESG是近年來炙手可熱的世界議題,已成為社會熱話,且除...
The Hong Kong Polytechnic University--ESG与可持续发展硕士 下面,我们一起来简单了解该项目的一些信息~ 01 项目简介 支持绿色低碳转型的可持续发展是全球趋势。近年来,各经济体逐步公布了实现碳中和的气候行动计划。全球投资者也在应对气候...