ESFY: 性别:男年 龄:44 岁出生年月:1981-5-30 身高:177 cm婚姻状况:未婚工作所在:福建-福州-鼓楼区 体重:60 kg居住条件:暂时租房个人籍贯:福建-南平-武夷山 学历:大专购车情况:暂时没有平均月薪:2000元以下 交友目的:恋爱结婚,纯友谊,休闲玩伴,知音知己 ...
Presence of European stone fruit yel- lows (ESFY or 16SrX-B) phytoplasmas in apricots in Aus- tria. Plant Pathology 50: 130-135.Laimer da Câmara Machado M, Paltrinieri S, Hanzer V, Arthofer W, Strommer S, Martini M, Pondrelli M and Bertaccini A (2001) Presence of European ...
Presence of European stone fruit yellows (ESFY or 16SrX-B) phytoplasmas inapricots in Austria Arthofer W, Strommer S, Martini M, Bertaccini (2001) Presence of European stone fruit yellows (ESFY or 16SrX-B) Phytoplasmas in apricots in Austria... M Mld,S Paltrinieri,V Hanzer,... - ...
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Jollyes, the pet superstore chain founded in Enfield in 1971, has confirmed its strongest-ever first half trading performance (for the 26 weeks to November 27th 2023). During the last quarter, Jollyes, whose Gloucester outlet in Westgate Retail Park on
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