01港岛中学 Island School 是香港英基学校协会旗下的首家学校,于1967年创办,为一所以英语为母语的学童提供中学课程的国际学校,校址位于香港岛半山区波老道20号。创办时的中文名称为英童中学,于1973年迁往现址。 全年学费约115700港币,一所国际男女综合学校,向来自约40个不同国家的1200名学生提供广泛的通识教育。学校...
英基(ESF)是香港历史zui悠久大规模的国际学校,也是IB港产状元大户人家。 ESF – Largest International School Organisation in Hong Kong 英基—香港最大规模的国际学校机构 英基学校协会(英基)是香港最大规…
坚尼地小学(Kennedy School,薄扶林沙湾径) 鲗鱼涌小学 (Quarry Bay School,宝马山校园径) 九龙小学(Kowloon Junior School,何文田巴富街) 毕架山学校(Beacon Hill School,九龙塘义德道) 沙田小学(Sha Tin Junior School,火炭丽禾里) 清水湾小学 (Clearwater Bay School,西贡清水湾道) 启新书院(小学)(Renaissance...
01港岛中学 Island School 是香港英基学校协会旗下的首家学校,于1967年创办,为一所以英语为母语的学童提供中学课程的国际学校,校址位于香港岛半山区波老道20号。创办时的中文名称为英童中学,于1973年迁往现址。 全年学费约115700港币,一...
ESF – Largest International School Organisation in Hong Kong 英基—香港最大规模的国际学校机构.英基学校协会(英基)是香港最大规模、以英语为教学语言的国际学校机构。英基辖下共22间学校及开办的各类课后活动课程,致力透过个人化的学习模式及启发创意思维,令每一位学生均能尽展所长。英基致力优化教与学。所...
资格认证 International Baccalaureate (IB) World School 学术界 英基学校遵循一套健全的课程体系,培养卓越的学业成绩、批判性思维和全面发展。在中小学教育方面,英基学校提供国际文凭(IB)课程,包括国际文凭小学课程(PYP)、中学课程(MYP)和国际文凭课程(DP)。这一国际认可的课程以其严格的学术标准和强调发展学生的智力...
Yes, we could still choose to live on HK side and he goes to school there (if he get accepted) but a daily 3-hour commute within Hong Kong just sounds a bit crazy and maybe taxing on a 5 year old kid. If Bradbury has regular Chinese lessons, then we could stay put where we ar...
holiday camp programmes in Hong Kong. Using the exceptional facilities of many of the ESF schools all over Hong Kong, we offer a rich and diverse range of sports, language and other educational enrichment activities such as computer coding, cooking and science in term time and the school ...
The English Schools Foundation (ESF) is the largest English-medium international school organisation in Hong Kong. Our 22 schools and comprehensive programme of extra-curricular activities bring out the best in every student through a personalised approach to ...
Our classes are held at ESF schools and kindergartens located throughout Hong Kong Island, Kowloon and New Territories. All schools are equipped with excellent facilities and resources that support child development. We bridge the gap between local and international school curricula in language learning...