ESET Business Account (EBA) 允许 ESET 商业许可证所有者在一个位置管理其所有许可证。在添加许可证到 ESET Business Account 门户后,可以在站点之间共享许可证包含的席位数量,还可以注册受信任的用户来帮助您管理许可证。
ESET Business Account (EBA) 可讓 ESET 商業授權擁有者在一個位置管理所有授權。在新增授權至 ESET Business Account 入口網站,您可以共用授權的席位數,並可加入信任的人協助您管理授權。
ESET Business Account is a license management platform for all ESET business solutions as well as an entry point to ESET cloud services. Create a fully functional free trial (no commitment) Get an overview of all your security licenses Check the real-time status on used up seats ...
ESET BUSINESS ACCOUNT主畫面 一、更改EBA之語言 二、未註冊者請先點擊“免費註冊” 三、開始建立您的EBA帳戶 Step 1:建立您的 Business Account Step 2:新增您的姓名 Step 3:新增您的公司 Step 4:新增您的公司地址 Step 5:至建立的E-mail去驗證信箱 Step 6:點擊驗證連結後,用建立的mail及密碼登入EBA 四、...
How to create anESET Business Account How to add licenses to your account How to activate your console, add users and more Watch now ESET PROTECT Cloud Setup Get the details on the ESET PROTECT platform setup and installation package. You'll learn: ...
Do you see the license overuse in yourEBAaccount? Are the machines physical or persistent / non-persistent VDI? Anyways, I'd recommend raising a support ticket to investigate the cause of the overuse. This topic is now closed to further replies. ...
ClickActions→Open EPH or EBAand log in to your account. Figure 1-2 Click the image to view larger in new window In your EPH or EBA, clickLicenses, click the product license that you want to export and clickCreate offline files. TCP / 443 ESET Business Account (ongoing termination) TCP / 443 ESET Managed Service Provider TCP / 443 ESET Managed Service Provider TCP / 443 ESET Identity Server TCP / 443 ESET Inspect eu01.inspect... SUBJECT: ESET BUSINESS ACCOUNT - Account activation Then open that email and copy the link that is in the button (right click on the button, copy link address) and paste it into the console. If you have done everything correctly, the generation will complete succ...
INDUS_MHreplied toINDUS_MH's topic inESET Licensing for Business Thanks for the reply October 8, 2020 5 replies EBA 2Factor Security with different Authenticator Apps INDUS_MHposted a topic inESET Licensing for Business Hello, today I set up 2 Factor Security for my Eset Business Account and...