ae a 2 arbre patte ira af ɑ 2 pâte pas ein ɑ̃ 2 enfant enfant temps ax ə 1 petite le eh ɛ 4 elle perdu était eu ø 1 œufs creuser queu ey e 4 ému crétin ôté in ɛ̃ 4 important peinture matin iy i 6 idée petite ami oe œ 4 œuf peur oh ...
WMG-E assesses child development, as well as family psychosocial and parental mental health needs, and is available in four languages, including English, Mandarin, Vietnamese and Arabic. WMG-E includes the Learn the Signs Act Early (LTSAE) tool, developed by the Centers for Disease Control ...
WMG-E is a web-based application that incorporates the Centre for Disease Control (CDC) “Learn the Signs Act Early (LTSAE)” program which consists of age-appropriate developmental checklists and ‘red flags’ for parental concern of children from birth to 5 years (see measures section for ...
10Der IPA-Laut ç bezeichnet ein weiches „ch“ nach Vorderzungenvokalen (ih, iy, eh, ae, uy, ue, oe, eu und den Diphthongen ay, oy) sowie nach Konsonanten. 11Nur am Wortanfang bei Fremdwörtern, z. B. Juan. Nur am Anfang von Silben in Wörtern wie Bacherach.Orale...
10 De IPA ç is een zachte "ch" na voorklinkers (ih, iy, eh, ae, uy, ue, oe, eu, en diphthongs ay, oy) en medeklinkers. 11 Word-initialen alleen in woorden van buitenlandse oorsprong, zoals Juan. Lettergreep-initial ook in woorden zoals Bach erach.Monde...