G10 handle scales for ESEE - Izula knife. Read reviews > 规格 重量: 20 克 原产地: 美国 类别 Handle scales and materials Lamnia's green values Logistics Emissions compensation Packaging Greener use of materials Energy Sources from the nature Waste utilization Because it's simple yet importa...
从Lamnia 购买 ESEE Izula S35VN 颈刀。免运费! 刀片 CPM S35VN, Blade style Drop point, Blade grind Flat, 手柄 Skeleton, 鞘 塑料, 重量 57 克, 总长度 159 毫米, 刀刃长度 67 毫米, 刀刃厚度 4 毫米,
We're so glad to hear you're enjoying your ESEE Izula-II. It’s definitely a reliable EDC, and the lifetime warranty is just the cherry on top. Thanks for the awesome review, and we agree—no running with knives! 😄 -BHQ Downward Carry Every Day! cory i. on Jan 3, 2020...
ESEE IZULA 蚂蚁小直开箱,和仿品对比,加装米卡塔贴片d-scher 立即播放 打开App,流畅又高清100+个相关视频 更多 8514 7 05:35 App 百浓蚂蚁开箱,和50元/9元蚂蚁的对比 9054 4 06:07 App 蚂蚁平替?三刃木7130开箱 3261 0 12:39 App 【DBK兄弟】超级生存刀Esee 4 2163 0 01:34 App 生存主义者的户外EDC...
The Bullet Ant is known to be independent, tough, light on its feet, and a real aggressive survivor - the IZULA knife is built the same way. This knife is designed to be the perfect lightweight survival kit or concealed carry knife (or UNconcealed if you prefer). It comes in two ...
The Bullet Ant is known to be independent, tough, light on its feet, and a real aggressive survivor - the IZULA knife is built the same way. This knife is designed to be the perfect lightweight survival kit or concealed carry knife (or UNconcealed if you prefer). It comes in two ...
¥570 Ships to: 中国 制造商: ESEE 商品: Izula, 黑色 商品编号: RCIB 缺货下次到货后: 三月 2025 类型: 到货通知 添加到愿望清单 比较此商品 选择我们订购的理由 订单满¥1300元免运费 1-2个工作日内进行快速派送 14天退货 运费估价 发货方式: ...
从Lamnia 购买 ESEE Izula II 刀, 黑色。免运费! 刀片 1095 碳素钢, 刀片涂层/表面处理 Epoxy Powder, 手柄 Micarta, 鞘 Nylon, 重量 96 克, 总长度 171 毫米, 刀刃长度 67 毫米, 刀刃厚度 4.3 毫米, 原产地 美国, 挂带孔, 整体式舌片刀刃,
ESEE Izula..本来想在国内买,太贵了,刀网都要780后来一朋友正好去米国,让他给我带了一个,只用了70刀刀到手,试了一下,刮毛无压力,插易拉罐无压力,没有用过其他小直,感觉很满意
ESEE 商品: Izula, 綠色 商品编号: RCIOD 可预订。预计上市日期: 2025年3月21日 类型: Add engraving for R$66.22 Select fontMalgun Gothic BoldSimSun 添加到愿望清单 比较此商品 选择我们订购的理由 订单满R$850.00元免运费 1-2个工作日内进行快速派送 ...