units and 64 hidden units respectively. If the option-his not specified, a defautl hidden layer of 16 units will be used. The default number of (maximum) features is 32,768; and this parameter can be controlled by the option-u. There is also-foption for feature minimum frequency cutoff...
There was a huge swimming pool right next to Patty and Rosie’s dorm. They would sunbathe or check out boys while I jumped in and out of the water. Wearing cutoff shorts and standing shirtless at the edge of the pool with my little gut sticking out, I created all kinds of pretend sce...
2023;6(2):e2255125. doi:10.1001/jamanetworkopen.2022.55125 Key Points Question Can levels of attention toward motherese speech, indexed through eye tracking, be used as a diagnostic marker of autism spectrum disorder (ASD), and are they associated with social and language abilities? Findings In...
59 Cutoff for Random Walks on Random Graphs at the Entropic Time 24:37 Cutoff for random walks on random graphs at the entropic time 51:32 GMConformal welding in Liouville quantum gravity_ recent results and application 45:28 Grothendeick Lp Problem for Gaussian Matrices 27:01 https___math...