Glasgow-Blatchford score predicts findings on video capsule endoscopy in patients admitted with obscure overt gastrointestinal bleeding. A retrospective analysisdoi:10.1055/s-0044-1783623Ballester-Clau, R.Costigan, C.Sengupta, S.O'Connell, J.Manoharan, T....
The Glasgow-Blatchford Bleeding Score identified patients with upper GI bleeding who could be managed as outpatients[J]. Ann Intem Med, 2009, 150(1):05-14.Kowdley KV,Irani S.ACP Journal Club.The Glasgow-BlatchfordBleeding Score identified patients with upper GI bleeding who couldbe managed ...
The Glasgow Blatchford Score (GBS) can predict endoscopic intervention and in-hospital death, but the ability to predict post-discharge outcomes is unknown. The aims of the study were to determine whether the admission GBS is associated with post-discharge rebleeding and 30-day readmission ...
Iconography : Comparison of the AIMS65 and Glasgow Blatchford score for risk stratification in elderly patients with upper gastrointestinal bleedingFor the elderly patients with UGIB, the AIMS65 score is superior to GBRS in predicting inpatient mortality, and the GBRS is superior in predicting re...