西汉-汉西词典 m. 【】坏血病. 用户正在搜索 anchicorto, ancho, ancho de banda, anchoa, anchor, anchova, anchura, anchuroso, ancianidad, anciano, 相似单词 escópufe, escora, escoraje, escorar, escorbútico, escorbuto, escorchapín, escorchar, escorchón, escordio, ...
Roe E, Dalmau J, Peramiquel L, Puig L, Alomar A. Escorbuto: purpura folicular como signo guia. Actas Der- mosifiliogr. 2005;96:400-2.Roe E, Dalmau J, Peramiquel L, Alomar A. Escorbuto: purpura folicular como signo guia. Actas Dermosifiliogr. 2005;96:400-2....
Elsevier EspanaRevista Espanola De Geriatria Y GerontologiaMartinez E, Dominguez MO, Mun˜oz C, Gonzalez B, Juanes MJ, Garcia-Navarro JA. Escorbuto en residente anciano: a proposito de un caso. Rev Esp Geriatr Gerontol. 2004;39:390---4....
Clinical presentation was limited to ecchymotic purpura and mild follicular keratosis with no mucosal involvement. Skin biopsies suggest vitamin C deficiency, which was confirmed by a low level of vitamin C in both sera and leukocyte specimens. Skin lesions dramatically improved within a few weeks ...
Apical bronchial carcinoma is the most common cause of Pancoast's syndrome. Of the many other causes reported, infection is a rare one. A literature review is presented and a case of Pancoast's syndrome, secondary to apical lung pneumonia with bronchocutaneous fistulisation caused by ...
Wernicke's encephalopathy (WE) is a serious neurological disorder secondary to thiamine deficiency. Improved recognition by radiologists and allied health providers of the different clinical settings and imaging findings associated with this emergency can optimise the management of this condition and help ...