读音:美[e´ʃəʊltsɪə]英[e´ʃoʊltsɪə] 英汉翻译近义词典英英词典发音词典 eschscholtzia中文翻译 n.金英花 eschscholtzia是什么意思 网络金英花; 花菱草属 词组短语 1.Eschscholtziacalifornica花菱草 2.EschscholtziaCham花菱草属 3.Eschscholtziacalifomica花菱草 单词专题...
eschscholtzia [英[e'ʃəʊltsɪə]美[e'ʃoʊltsɪr]] eschscholtzia的意思、解释 n.金英花 网络花菱草;金英花;花菱草属;金英花属 更多
eschscholtzia的中文意思 沪江词库精选eschscholtzia是什么意思、英语单词推荐、用法及解释 英音[e'ʃəultsiə] ; 美音[e'ʃəultsiə] ; 名词 金英花 英语解释 showy herbs of western North America 相似短语 eschscholtzia californicaphr. 花菱草...
花菱草Eschscholtzia californica Cham.---多年生(栽培者常为一年生)草本,无毛,植株带蓝灰色。茎直立,高30~60厘米,明显具纵肋,分枝多,开展,呈二歧状。基生叶数枚,长10~30厘米,叶柄长,叶片灰绿色,多回三出羽状细裂,裂片形状多变,线形锐尖、长圆形锐尖或钝
英汉 网络释义 n. 1. 【植】花菱草,花菱草属植物
escholamine, escholerine, eschomelia, eschrolalia, eschromythesis, eschscholtzia, eschscholtzidine, eschscholtzine, eschwegeite, eschynite, 英汉-汉英词典 n. 金英近义、反义、联想词 词n. dilleniid dicot genus用户正在搜索hyminal, Hymm, hymn, hymnal, hymnarium, hymnary, hymnbook, hymnist...
I am greatly interested by what you say on Eschscholtzia; I wish your plants had succeeded better. From Project Gutenberg The botanical genus Eschscholtzia was named by Adelbert von Chamisso in his honour. From Project Gutenberg In Glaucium and Eschscholtzia (Papaveraceae) the dissepiment is ...
The meaning of ESCHSCHOLTZIA is a genus of showy herbs (family Papaveraceae) of western North America having leaves ternately dissected several times into linear or oblong segments and sepals coherent into a characteristic pointed hood which is pushed of
Eschscholtzia Cham.是什么意思,Eschscholtzia Cham.的解释:医 金英花属, 花菱草属...,Eschscholtzia Cham.中英例句,英汉词典。