Something to chew on: there’s no etymological relationship between the verbschewandeschew. While the former comes from the Old English wordcēowan,eschewcomes instead from the Anglo-French verbeschiverand shares roots with the Old High German verbsciuhen, meaning “to frighten off.” In his fa...
Definition of eschewed Words that can be made with the letters in eschewed Dictionary definition of the word eschewed The meaning of eschewed eschewed 1 definition of the word eschewed. Verb Avoid and stay away from deliberately; stay clear of ...
Noun - masculine plural Strong's Hebrew 430:1) (plural)1a) rulers, judges1b) divine ones1c) angels1d) gods2) (plural intensive-singular meaning)2a) god, goddess2b) godlike one2c) works or special possessions of God2d) the (true) God2e) God and shunning וְסָ֥ר(w...