0 Bash - handling of (single) quotes in variables (for a Curl command) 0 Escaping multiple layers of mixed quotes for a curl command executed inside a bash script Hot Network Questions What are the pins worn by the two detectives in the TV show, The Undoing? When did Batman firs...
The primary goal of utilizing single quotes in Bash (') is to maintain each character's literal value. When you want the input to preserve its literal value without any data interpolation, use single quotes to extract any special value from a character. When you don't want to utilize the ...
This seems surprising. If an argument has backticks or uses$(), these will still be evaluated in most shells (bash, zsh). As a reference Python'sshlex.escapeuses single quotes, which seems more expected: https://github.com/python/cpython/blob/3.13/Lib/shlex.py#L323-L332 If an extension...
3170 How can I check if a program exists from a Bash script? 4074 How do I tell if a file does not exist in Bash? 3584 Echo newline in Bash prints literal \n 2877 Extract filename and extension in Bash 3579 How to concatenate string variables in Bash 3601 How to check if a ...
By surrounding the disk path in quotes,powershellwill no longer attempt to expand the group: Resize-VHD "C:\Users\SomeUser(SomeIdentifier)\.local\share\containers\podman\machine\hyperv\podman-machine-default-amd64.vhdx" 107374182400 The solution in the attached commit makes no user facing changes...
bash: curl -k --user-agent "Googlebot/2.1 (+http://www.google.com/bot.html)": No such file or directory And the cause of your problem is probably the space between "2.1" and "(". With quotes, all the spaces are mangled into one large argument that doesn't make sense. Without...
If I try to wrap the path with quotes, it behaves pretty much the same way, effectively cutting the path off at the space. So it too only works to get past the local bash prompt. Initially I was using a path that had a " - " (space-hyphen-space) segment in ...
# 在早期的 Bash 版本中允许使用 '\x022' 这样的形式。 echo #将 ASCII 码字符赋值给变量。 # --- quote=$'\042' # 将 "赋值给变量。echo"$quoteQuoted string$quoteand this lies outside the quotes."echo# 连接多个 ASCII 码字符给变量。triple_underline=$'\137\137\137'# 137是 '_' ASCII码...
# 在早期的 Bash 版本中允许使用 '\x022' 这样的形式。 echo #将 ASCII 码字符赋值给变量。 # --- quote=$'\042' #将 " 赋值给变量。 echo "$quote Quoted string $quote and this lies outside the quotes." echo # 连接多个 ASCII 码字符给变量。 triple_underline=$'\137\137\137' # ...
As can be seen,''\${1:-x}evaluates to${1:-x}, so the bits within the curly braces are literal, rather than a nix string interpolation. This is useful forcreating bash scripts. However, nixd recognizes the part after the curly brace as an Identifier (as though it was part of a ...