As far as I know the forward slash isn't a special character in PowerShell, but in this particular situation the forward slash causes a problem. Write-Host $([DateTime]::Now.ToString("MM/dd yyyy")) In this case ToString ignores the custom date format (probably because it can't parse...
The stop parse symbol (--%) can be added to the command to instruct PowerShell to stop trying to interpret the string, resulting in a command like: az webapp create -g testgroup -p testplan -n testapp --runtime --% "node|10.6" You can find more information on this symbol in th...
I've got a working PHP script that changes Active Directory passwords. The one problem I have is that I can't pass a password with a & in it because it breaks the powershell command. Is there a good way to escape that? Here is what I'm running: Code: $adpwchange = shell_exec...
Now suppose I have a batch script that calls this powershell script with all kinds of paths. One of those is c:\: powershell -executionpolicy Bypass -file test.ps1 "c:\" The output is: c:" Is there any way to quote my arguments such that c:\ would actually be taken a...
fix(request-snipppets): fix issues in escaping Powershell (swagger-ap… Browse files …i#9692) master (swagger-api/swagger-ui#9692) char0n committed Mar 13, 2024 Verified 1 parent b1d7e4b commit 8561f3c Showing 1 changed file with 7 additions and 8 deletions. Whitespace Ignore whit...
Here I have tried to set this “sel_filter” variable in build pipeline Variables page, and add PowerShell task in pipeline job, then add script: Write-Host “$(sel_filter)” in this task to run, it shows “VIC” instead of VIC, please see my snapshots. ...
Pester version : 6.0.0-alpha4 /Users/johlju/source/Viscalyx.Assert/output/RequiredModules/Pester/6.0.0/Pester.psm1 PowerShell version : 7.4.4 OS version : Unix 14.6.1 Possible Solution? Maybe just [System.Management.Automation.WildcardPattern]::Unescape('string`[`]') on the expected messa...
there are some solutions in the internet that says create a web.config file and in webserver section set doubleescaping = true, But I use core and no web.config file is allowed, Also I don't find an IIS 10 or IIS express app in my win 10 system, Please say a workaround...
Windows PowerShell Index -contains operator vs .contains() method -ea operator -ErrorAction:SilentlyContinue parameter is not being respected & $error variable not updated -ExpandProperty & Export CSV !!! powershell script to add a word in the beginning of the text file - URGENT !!! 'A posi...
Lines 1867 to 1886 in52fab72 if(part->name) { name=escape_string(part->name); if(!name) ret=CURLE_OUT_OF_MEMORY; } if(!ret& ->filename) { filename=escape_string(part->filename); if(!filename) ret=CURLE_OUT_OF_MEMORY; ...