You can bet there ain't no doubt As the words spill from the mouth of a ___ 3. This is my ___ I'm running through this world and I'm not looking back 4. I know it's a one-way ___ - Tell me now how long this will last 5. I know life can be tough on you time...
地图链接: 一、7章节流程图,场景十分丰富:白天黑夜、城市郊区以及地下设施都包括,图的质量还是很高的,无论是关卡长度、场景细节、难度设计方面都有很高的水准。不过可惜作者不能完全拿捏住,第三关有十分严重的掉帧和闪退等优化问题、四五关完全可以合并成一关,短的像是来...