I made a ghetto edit of wiki map with the 2 newer ones. Here's a video showing as much as I know of the Saferoom extract. I think you need the power on (switch is right outside the computer room in the Power Plant), but I haven't figured it out fully yet. Happy looting/killin...
At the north of Escape from Tarkov Interchange map you will find thePower Station. A maximum of 4 players might escape through this and you’ll need to pay 3000 rubles in order to do that. Once you pay, you’ll need to wait and stay really close to the car that will take you out...
三个大型超市均是基于现实生活中的商店。 Idea是基于Ikea。 Goshan是基于Auchan。 OLI是基于OBI. 这个位置是根据MEGA商场的布局来确定的,因为在俄罗斯各地都能找到它们。 下诺夫哥罗德的MEGA商城与游戏中的商城最为相像。 展开 地点 社区内容除另有注明外,均在CC BY-NC-SA许可协议下提供。