yet there is one very relevant difference: rather than contact the business for a refund, the consumer is asking the bank to forcibly take money from the business’s account. An investigation follows, and if the bank feels the cardholder’s request is valid, funds are removed from...
Eventually it worked after I opened up the EscapeFromTarkov and EscapeFromTarkov_BE applications in the Battlestate Games > EFT folder. These don't load the game up fully, it just kind of hangs on a screen, but when I tried the Battlestates Game Launcher straight after it sent me the co...
To start off, I am beyond angry that I have paid for a game that I can't install. I want a refund. Firstly, the download speed was insanely slow taking me over multiple days of attempting to download Tarkov only to be greeted when the download completes
It's rly frustrating... i already tried everything i could think of. Seems like every disconnect is after the same period of time (5 minutes). No problems at all with different games but Tarkov unplayable for me, is there rly nothing you BSG guys can do to help us? I've checked fo...