Learning how to use cheats and hacks in Escape From Tarkov can be a daunting task, but thankfully there is an abundance of helpful resources on the internet for those looking for additional assistance. Many experienced players have taken the time to put together comprehensive guides f...
Tarkov is a “hardcore” shooter in development that comes with both the positives and negatives, making it a really enjoyable romp. This isn’t a relaxing game because it’s somewhat notorious. Escape from Tarkov is a challenging survival game that takes the battle royale rules. You need to...
Nikita在Reddit上发贴回应了Matching时间过长等问题的原因并作出解释,以下是原贴翻译。 大家好! 我在上次TarkovTV直播播客中说过一次,但我会再说一遍。 目前游戏正在迅速变得流行,我(作为个人)并不喜欢它如此之快的发展速度。因为这导致在游戏稳定性,服务器可靠性等方面需要我们大量关注。这还要求团队的一部分人要每...
Welcome to Tarkov. There's a ton of douchebags that are bored as hell doing tasks so they are just gonna run at every single fight/movement/possible sound. They don't give 2 shits about anyone trying to actually do tasks. They just want to ruin the game for everyone. Add into that ...
when the scav sus ahhaahhah among us scav shoreline amongus map new map confirmed sus imposter ahhaaa nikita sus ??!?!? escape from amogus!! HABHAHA 1 AzureChimes Member 277 PostedMay 24, 2021 On 5/1/2021 at 4:12 AM, TarkovCitizen4431498 said: ...
Source: https://www.reddit.com/r/EscapefromTarkov/comments/g20une/last_month_we_got_rid_of_50000_cheters_nikita_on/ So we can make an educated guess and say that almost half of the playerbase was cheating and wouldn't be surprised they arent now. ...