Discord.gg/EscapefromTarkovOfficial 加入后,请按照频道说明进行操作。如果您遇到任何问题或需要帮助,我们的工作人员随时准备为您提供帮助。如果需要,请使用#help频道询问有关您的Discord访问的问题。请将这个消息告诉其他人并邀请你的朋友加入你这个Discord社区。我们迫不及待地想见到你! 2 1 2 Quote 3 months...
Many others seem to share the same sentiment, as official Escape from Tarkov social media channels are now plagued with memes and complaints from users upset with The Unheard Edition. Its Discord is in especially bad shape. While BattleState’s moderation team quickly moved ...
We would like to invite you to the new official Escape From Tarkov discord server. This multilingual Discord community will serve as a hub for EFT players to easily find others to play with. Our official discord server will also be useful to increase the communication between you—EFT fans—a...
gogolangeftescape-from-tarkovtarkovfyneescapefromtarkovtarkov-utilitytarkov-apptarkov-trackertarkov-toolsfyneappescapefromtarkovmodstarkov-pve UpdatedJan 6, 2025 Go A Discord bot that gives instantaneous access to information in Escape from Tarkov ...
Quests, both player-given and dynamically generated, are intended to be a large part of Escape from Tarkov. Some require you to pick stuff up for certain traders, while others require you to kill other operators or mark vehicles and specific places. Ques
Birdeye is a Rogue Boss in Escape from Tarkov. He is part of the "Goon squad". Birdeyes's footsteps make absolutely no noise. Note: Currently bugged, making noise. Killing Birdeye as a Scav does not carry any penalties towards your Scav karma. Birdeye ha
Escape from Tarkov: Arena EA Russia 2028 TBA Contents [e] [+]Availability [+]Monetization [+]Game data Video Input [+]Audio [+]Network [+]Other information System requirements Notes References General information Official forums Official wiki Official Discord Availability • Link Sourc...
- Install the [SIT Manager](https://github.com/stayintarkov/SIT.Manager) from the repo. - Copy the live EFT installation to a different location. This copy will be used in the following steps as the SIT game client. - Obtain the downgrade patcher from the discord, and extract the conte...
鉴于PVE新入坑了太多萌新捡垃圾赚到钱也不知道如何改枪,给新手一些常用枪械的满改作业用来抄吧。主要面向的PVE,所以只给满改方案不存在半改或者经济改法,同时也明确建议萌新PVE不要使用所谓的半改枪,在枪械不掉落的环境中压缩枪械改装成本是一个毫无意义只能无谓的折磨自己的事情。 声明,方案都是较为综合的改法,...
这个多语言的Discord社区将成为EFT玩家互相交流组队交友的中心。我们的官方Discord服务器也将成为您和其他EFT粉丝们与开发商Battlestate Games之间沟通的桥梁。要加入服务器,请单击以下链接: Discord.gg/EscapefromTarkovOfficial 加入后,请按照频道说明进行操作。如果您遇到任何问题或需要帮助,我们的工作人员随时准备为您提供...