The Reserve is, in eyes of very many Tarkov players, the most competitive and profitable map in the game. Because of this, the competition during Raids is always fierce, squad vs squad firefights are very common, and getting shot is almost a given. Moreover, the abundance of easily access...
For the quest, see Reserve (quest). Reserve is a location in Escape from Tarkov. It is the seventh map that was added to the game. The secret Federal State Reserve Agency base that, according to urban legends, contains enough supplies to last for years:
Woods is probably one of the worst Escape From Tarkov maps to get to grips with because it can be quite hard to distinguish one tree from another, but stick with it. You’ll need to look for bigger points of interest here or unusually shaped rocks in order to get around. Once you’ve...
A collection of handmade maps for Escape from Tarkov raids. Shoreline, Factory, Woods, Customs, Lighthouse, Reserve, Streets of Tarkov ...
Escape from Tarkov Woods map is one of the most interesting the game has. In the Priozersk natural reserve, you will find open green fields, trees, water, rocks, small hills, a mountain stash to loot and eliminate other players, and the bunkers ZB-014 and ZB-016, really important if ...
Escape from Tarkov Beginner's Guide to Woods Introduction Tarkov's Woods, also known as the "Priozersk Natural Reserve", is a moderately large forested (hence the name) area abounding with hills, rocks, and segments of opened terrain that make it perfect for long-range combat (hills and roc...
Where can I find the best loot in Escape from Tarkov? There are multiple maps with great, high level loot: Reserve, Interchange, and The Lab are the best examples. However, you have to know where to look. You might also need some keys or keycards. ...
Scalable maps rich in detail, ideal for veterans and beginners in the game. Factory Customs Woods Shoreline Interchange The Lab Reserve Suburbs Town Lighthouse New Terminal Streets of Tarkov Help keep the site online, make a donation. Woods in game map updated (extract and caches) #Escape...
The most detailed and complete maps of the Escape From Tarkov, focused on the constructions, loots and spawn of keys. Available for mobile and desktop versions.
as they’re likely less contested when it’s dark out. The best Scav maps are Streets of Tarkov (provided you can run it), Lighthouse (whether you farm the Rogues or not), and Reserve. However, Interchange can also be a good money maker if you don’t mind leaving with a grocery st...