Escape from Tarkov is an MMO shooter from Battlestate Games. In the game, events take place in a realistic setting in the Russian city of Tarkov. Main characters work for two private military companies locked in bloody conflict on the streets of the sett
The most important thing about playing as Scav is that if you get killed in the raid, you will not lose anything from your main character's possessions, and if you survive, you can add whatever you looted to your stash. In other words, this is an alternative way to find and save item...
While it might not look like much and seem ordinary, the Freeman Crowbar inEscape from Tarkovis a reference to the Half-Life franchise’s main character, Gordon Freeman. Throughout the franchise, Gordon can be seen using the Crowbar which has a distinctive red color and is his signature weap...
PMC stands for Private Military Company/Contractor and this is your main character in Escape from Tarkov. As a PMC, you get to jump into raids with whatever gear you are willing to risk bringing with you. You will be more equipped to take on enemies, but there is much more at stake. ...
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For the Arena, see Arena Changelog. This page contains a collection of official patch notes for Escape from Tarkov. It's not complete, and it has to be noted that the developer Battlestate Games intentionally doesn't announce every change to keep surpris
There have always been different editions ofEscape from Tarkovthat give you extra goodies for your troubles—and your extra cash. This time, however, players from around the community are up-in-arms with the amount of fresh gear, resources, and other massive boosts you get with the Unheard ...
On Thursday, April 25, the Escape from Tarkov developers announced that a new version of the game was being launched with the Unheard Edition, which gave players a ton of gear, resources, weaponry, and a whole slew of extra goodies like bonus character levels, unique items, and even increas...
Cargo X - Part 3is aQuestinEscape from Tarkov. Dialogue[] We have studied the documents you brought, mercenary. Well, the manifest said that the second part of the cargo is somewhere in the basement, and locked tight. Search the resort and notify me when you find it. ...
Character The difference between a PMC and a Scav In Escape from Tarkov there'stwo types of characters that you can play: PMC and Scav. PMC— the main character. PMCs by default have no gear on them (other than the melee weapon and secure container). You'll have to gear the PMC depen...