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Headwear Keys & Intel Loot Medical Provisions Tactical clothing Weapon mods Weapons The Setting BEAR Bosses Cultists Rogues Scav Raiders Scavs TerraGroup USEC Norvinsk region(Tarkov) ·Tarkov conflict Wiki Community Administrators: Im Going Space·Muhawi·Orbb09·R3dHacKeR·Titi4600 ...
Diary (Diary) is an item in Escape from Tarkov. A diary with a leather cover. Covered with various names, addresses and phone numbers. Somebody might find it particularly useful. 2 need to be found in raid for the Library Drawer Safe Sport bag Dead Scav
Quests, both player-given and dynamically generated, are intended to be a large part of Escape from Tarkov. Some require you to pick stuff up for certain traders, while others require you to kill other operators or mark vehicles and specific places. Ques
1) Read the wiki -> 2) Download the "BattleBuddy" app on your iphone (android?) and use that to calculate penetration and/or dmg or both 2a) If you dont want to download the BattleBuddy app - be ready to memorize the chart in the wiki...
Break From Tarkov players is consistently keeping watch for the following Tarkov wipe. It is on the grounds that a wipe in this game is helpful for both new players and prepared specialists. Most recent Update: July 1, 2021 – BSG has released the wipe with fix 0.12.11. They have li... 分享156 逃离塔科夫吧 SY-WL 【教程】子弹击穿概率等级表如何查看&理解对应等级代表的含义相关内容Wiki源地址(弹道学): 这篇教程主要从以下几个部分进行简单介绍 【是...
Escape from Tarkov Wiki 分类:社区 不转换 Escape from Tarkov Wiki:封禁用户
当谈及《逃离塔科夫》(Escape From Tarkov),你就会进入一个残酷而真实的世界,其中充满了玩家争夺战利品和击杀的无情竞争。这款游戏将你带入一场硬派的冒险,充满了挑战和紧张刺激。 如果你关注游戏圈这几年的动态,很有可能已经听说过《逃离塔科夫》。这款硬派军事模拟游戏融合了抢夺和生存元素,让你体验到前所未有...
Reply to this topic France_Coffee Member 12 PostedFebruary 15, 2019 图例 Factory工厂 Woods森林 Costoms海关 Shoreline海岸线 Interchange立交桥 The Lab实验室 目前无用的钥匙 搬运自 Quote Author ...