A nifty little bot that lets you know if a queried item might be required for a quest at some point in the land of Tarkov! pythondiscorddiscord-botsescapefromtarkov UpdatedJan 2, 2022 Python escape from tarkov ammunition chart eftescapefromtarkov ...
We would like to invite you to the new official Escape From Tarkov discord server. This multilingual Discord community will serve as a hub for EFT players to easily find others to play with. Our official discord server will also be useful to increase the communication between you—EFT fans—a...
Aujourd'hui j'ai été ban du discord EFT FR sans raison apparente ... je ne parle pas dans les chanel de discussion et je n'utilise aucun cheat. J'ai reçu ce message lors du ban : "You have been banned from the Escape from Tarkov France server. Reaso
Birdeye is a Rogue Boss in Escape from Tarkov. He is part of the "Goon squad". Birdeyes's footsteps make absolutely no noise. Note: Currently bugged, making noise. Killing Birdeye as a Scav does not carry any penalties towards your Scav karma. Birdeye ha
2:如无效果,建议先删除C:\Users\hasee\Documents\Escape from Tarkov内的文件后重试。 3:如无效果,删除C:\Users\hasee\Documents\Escape from Tarkov内的文件后重装启动器。 4:如无 请你吃癞... 8-25 71 BattlEye 反作弊封禁相关的重要信息 伊尔明斯... 简单的我 1-13 1060 【答疑】逃离塔科夫...
Stash is a Discord bot that helps you play Escape from Tarkov! This is the officialTarkov.devDiscord bot. To add the bot to your server, just click the link below: Invite Stash🔗 About 💡 This bot takes all the data fromTarkov.devand exposes it in a user-friendly way. ...
我们荣幸的邀请您加入新的逃离塔科夫官方Discord服务器。这个多语言的Discord社区将成为EFT玩家互相交流组队交友的中心。我们的官方Discord服务器也将成为您和其他EFT粉丝们与开发商Battlestate Games之间沟通的桥梁。要加入服务器,请单击以下链接: Discord.gg/EscapefromTarkovOfficial 加入后,请按照频道说明进行操作。如果...
Hello people, I've made a discord bot for escape from tarkov, it has item search ammo table and map and key search/info. It has the following commands: Invite link is:https://discordapp.com/oauth2/authorize?client_id=673871058708725790&scope=bot&permissions=537390080 ...
make it so if they are opened, the game detects them and will automatically shut down. the game will need in-game voice com everything for full realism.
Hello , I have a big problem since .12 patch and always effecting my game negatively. Since .12 patch during the raid my game and discord always crashed at the same time. My game crashing in every raid an discord crashing together. It always happening an