Escape from New York: Directed by John Carpenter. With Kurt Russell, Lee Van Cleef, Ernest Borgnine, Donald Pleasence. In 1997, when the U.S. president crashes into Manhattan, now a giant maximum security prison, a convicted bank robber is sent in to res
I’ve seen debates where people question whether EFNY should even be considered post-apocalyptic. It’s definitely dystopian they say, but what’s so apocalyptic about New York City being turned into a prison? Now if you only had the movie itself to go on, this might be an arguable posit...
WWII Movie List (By Country):–RL3RWbNb0/ Greatest Mysteries of WWII: Hitler’s Stealth Fighter 720P: BBC: Code Breakers, Bletchley Park’s Lost Heroes:
size TV so it may be better on a big screen .I often use the caption feature to be able to understand all the dialog on others shows too . But I think it's worth the effort to watch . And seeing the ugly winter climate of upstate NY makes me gad I live in a much milder place...
“When I made EFNY, I used predominantly the original John Carpenter Movie Soundtrack, with some extra bits and pieces by yours truly and others. I’ve had a number of folks ask what the original End Credits music is, as it’s not on their Soundtrack CD but sounds like it should be...
Email us! Escape From Dino Island at Gmail dot com. Błękitny Klucz233 days ago Hi! Our community is very interested in your game and we would be happy to translate it into Polish. This is a really great system! I wrote an email about this. ...
Escape Room Buffalo NY. Lock & Key Escape Room features heart pounding adventure in Buffalo, NY's Elmwood Village. Can you escape?
Escape Room Buffalo NY. Lock & Key Escape Room features heart pounding adventure in Buffalo, NY's Elmwood Village. Can you escape?
Compelled to keep an impossible secret from both her new love and the police, Olivia is recruited to go undercover and investigate who among the quirky carnival crew had a motive for murder. In a race to protect her friend and solve the crime, she must trust a man she never expected to...
A great aerial escape, laden with conventions MOVIE REVIEW WEEKEND ARTSMANOHLA DARGIS The New York Times