Masson trichrome-stained sections were used to assess collagen distribution, orientation, and characterization of the matrix components. In a normal meniscus, a large number of collagen fibers were arranged in parallel. Meanwhile, chondrocytes, including some clusters of chondrocytes, were usually located...
The maximum recommended starting dose (based body weight 60 kg) of 11 mg was estimated based on 1/6 of the highest non-severely toxic dose in the beagle dog study. Based on further safety considerations, 5 mg was selected as the starting dose in human subjects. In the dose-escalation stu...
To address potential correlations between the soil physico-chemical variables and the whole VOCs matrix we mapped the soil variables (TableS3, Fig.S8) on the VOCs ordination based on a distance-based redundancy analysis (dbRDA) (functionccain the package vegan). We performed the analysis using ...
Format RIS (for EndNote, Reference Manager, ProCite) BibTeX Text RefWorks Direct Export Content Citation Only Citation and Abstract Advanced search Article outline is loading... Neuromuscular Disorders Volume 20, Supplement 1, March 2010, Pages S7 Abstracts of the UK Neuromuscular Transl...
This matrix considers the probability of occurrence and the impact at different scales of various cost categories usually included in offers for the awarding of public works procurement contracts. The ANAC matrix, firstly introduced in 2015 by ANAC, was later regulated by Legislative Decree no. 50/...
This matrix considers the probability of occurrence and the impact at different scales of various cost categories usually included in offers for the awarding of public works procurement contracts. The ANAC matrix, firstly introduced in 2015 by ANAC, was later regulated by Legislative Decree no. 50/...
Define Cost escalation. Cost escalation synonyms, Cost escalation pronunciation, Cost escalation translation, English dictionary definition of Cost escalation. Noun 1. cost overrun - excess of cost over budget; "the cost overrun necessitated an additiona