the infestation is more frequent in those circumstances in that a contact prolonged with the affected ones exists. sometimes it creates problems diagnoses and therapeutics depending on the age and situation of the subject. the processing will be based on the correct use of escabicides, hygienic ...
La administración terapéutica «en masa» de ivermectina oral es una excelente opción para el manejo de escabiosis en comunidades con alta prevalencia o de brotes en instituciones. Abstract Scabies affects more than 200 million people around the world, and causes a significant socio...
El presente documento analiza las características epidemiológicas, clínicas, terapéuticas y de control de 2 parasitosis consideradas de transmisión sexual: la escabiosis, causada por Sarcoptes scabiei var. hominis, y la pediculosis púbica, causada por el Pthirus pubis. Ambas parasitosis ...
BACKGROUND: Perichondritis is an ear perichondrium inflammation caused by superinfection of hematoma, piercing, surgery, or infectious diseases. Since we have not found any previously published case, a case of perichondritis of the pinna is described in the context of a Sarcoptes scabiei...
Cortes Blanco M, Clerencia Casorran C, Urban Sender J, Arino Aldabo C, Larrosa Montanes A, Martinez Cuenca S, Guerri Mir L, Urdaniz Sancho J. Brote de escabiosis en una residencia para personas mayores en la provincia de Huesca. Rev Esp de salud publica 2004; 78 (1): 107-114....
Tratamiento tópico de la escabiosis con azufre precipitado en petrolato, en escolares de Coro, Estado Falcón, VenezuelaEscabioseVaselinaEnxofreSarcoptes scabieiPomadasEstudos TransversaisEpidemiologia DescritivaAdministração TópicaVenezuelabetween march - june' 2003, a transversal descriptive ...
It is a therapeutic challenge, as the common drugs used against scabies are unsatisfactory. The successful use of galenicals in a 10-year-old girl with crusted scabies is reported.doi:10.1016/j.piel.2015.09.014Hernández-Ostiz, SergioPrieto-Torres, Lucía...
Isabel, Lozano MarínMaría, Luisa Alonso PachecoBelén, Zambrano CentenoE.v.a., Aguilar Huerta. (2000) Escabiosis. SEMERGEN - Medicina de Familia 26 , 161-162 /IsabelLozano Marín, MaríaLuisa Alonso Pacheco, BelénZambrano Centeno, E.v.a.Aguilar Huerta. (2000) Escabiosis. SEMERGEN - ...
To describe and compare the demographic and health characteristics and drug use patterns in a group of drug dependent individuals who were actively using drugs versus those in different types of treatment. To analyze the interventions used with the different groups. Descriptive study. Users at the ...