The risk for SCD can be estimated accu- rately using a risk calculator.2 This score comes with recommendations regarding the advisability of an ICD and recommenda- tions about the need for genetic studies. ADr Anthony J Dalby
Yine de, bu has- talarda da SCORE (http://www.heartscore.org/Pages/welcome. aspx) veya Framingham risk skoru (http://hp2010.nhlbihin.net/ atpiii/ calculator.asp) gibi yaygın olarak kullanılan risk tabloları uy- gulanarak risk faktörleri düzeltilmelidir. KKAH'dan şüp...
[15]. A Kodesh, et al.Machine-learning based calculator for personalized risk following ST-elevation myocardial infarction. Presented at: ESC Congress 2024. [16]. L Jung , et al. Can prediction of acute myocardial infarction using a deep learning-enabled electrocardiogram be used in real-world ...
[4]. D. Hyun, et al. Clinical outcomes of risk score-guided dual antiplatelet therapy in patients with acute coronary syndrome who underwent percutaneous coronary intervention. Presented at: ESC Congress 2024. [5]. A Kodesh, et al. Machine-learning based calculator for personalized risk following...
[15]. A Kodesh, et al.Machine-learning based calculator for personalized risk following ST-elevation myocardial infarction. Presented at: ESC Congress 2024. [16]. L Jung , et al. Can prediction of acute myocardial infarction using a deep learning-enabled electrocardiogram be used in real-world...