[2] Mishra A. Strict versus no fasting prior to cardiac catheterization: a prospective evaluation of safety and clinical outcomes. Can we safely have our patients eat with cardiac catheterization – nix or allow: the CHO...
在此次ESC 2024上,重庆医科大学附属第二医院殷跃辉教授团队携3项高血压领域重要创新性研究亮相科学进展(Advances in Science)、摘要会议(Oral Abstract Sessions)及壁报交流(Moderated ePosters)等环节,并与相关领域学者进行了广泛、深入的交流...
7. T Yamaji, et al. Relationship of cumulative low-density lipoprotein cholesterol with atherosclerosis. Presented at Abstract Sessions, 31 August, ESC Congress 2024. 8. C Follonier, et al. Association between achieved cholesterol levels and the risk of major adverse cardiovascular events after acut...
全球规模及影响力最大的心血管国际会议,欧洲心脏病学年会(ESC 2024)将于8月30日至9月2日在英国伦敦召开,北京大学第一医院心血管内科有17项临床和基础研究被会议接收,将在Late breaking clinical trials等环节发表。其中,由李建平副院长牵头作为主要研究者,国内多家知名医院参与的FAIR-pilot研究,将于8月31日...
在此次ESC 2024上,重庆医科大学附属第二医院殷跃辉教授团队携3项高血压领域重要创新性研究亮相科学进展(Advances in Science)、摘要会议(Oral Abstract Sessions)及壁报交流(Moderated ePosters)等环节,并与相关领域学者进行了广泛、深入的交流,向世界展示了中国之声!
在此次ESC 2024上,重庆医科大学附属第二医院殷跃辉教授团队携3项高血压领域重要创新性研究亮相科学进展(Advances in Science)、摘要会议(Oral Abstract Sessions)及壁报交流(Moderated ePosters)等环节,并与相关领域学者进行了广泛、深入的交流,向世界展示了中国之声!
https://esc365.escardio.org/esc-congress/abstract?text=&docType=All&days&page=2&vue=cards 版权及免责声明:本网站所发表内容知识产权归属医谱平台、主办方以及原作者等相关权利人,未经许可,禁止进行复制、传播、展示、镜像、转载、摘编等。经授权使用,须注明来源,否则将追究其法律责任。有关作品内容、版权...
欢迎投稿:学术成果、前沿进展、临床干货等主题均可,。 参考资料 [1] G Tse, OHI Chou, et al.. Metformin is associated with lower risks of incident cancers compared to sulphonylurea use: a population-based study with competing risk analyses.ESC 2024 Abstract....
Full scientific programme on demand (available until 16 September 2024) Daily Highlights from ESC cardiac society partners The Research Gateway with all abstract and clinical cases Virtual exhibition and industry sessions Opportunities to interact and discuss online ...