如题,我目前是打算把我的vue2项目打包成lib然后通过script标签引入后,通过window使用项目中的组件,但是我使用terser压缩后的产物(umd.min.js)可以正常使用,使用esbuldPlugin压缩就会报404错误,target为es2015和es5的情况我也都试过了,都不行,有没有大佬知道是怎么回事? 我构建了一个最简单的lib,使用terser和esbui...
彻底告别编译 OOM,用 esbuild 做压缩器。 Install $ yarn add esbuild-webpack-plugin --dev Webpack config constESBuildPlugin=require('esbuild-webpack-plugin').default;module.exports={optimization:{minimizer:[newESBuildPlugin(),/*** Or customize ESBuild options like below:** new ESBuildPlugin(...
To use the plugin, add it to the plugins array in your esbuild configuration. Be sure to place itlast; otherwise, if another plugin modifies the output files, they will not be analyzed: importesbuildfrom'esbuild';import{pluginWebpackAnalyzer}from'@espcom/esbuild-plugin-webpack-analyzer';es...
.gitignore .npmignore .npmrc .nycrc.json CHANGELOG.md LICENSE README.md eslint.config.mjs lint-staged.config.mjs package.json pnpm-lock.yaml tsconfig.cjs.json tsconfig.esm.json tsconfig.json tsconfig.types.jsonBreadcrumbs esbuild-plugin-webpack-analyzer /assets / cjs.svg Latest commit ...
{ "compilerOptions": { "types": ["@univerjs/esbuild-plugin/types"] } } 全局类型管理: 适用于需要全局管理类型定义文件的场景,特别是在多个文件中都需要使用同一个类型定义文件时。 具体场景示例 单文件类型引用 假设你有一个 webpack.config.ts 文件,需要引用 @univerjs/webpack-plugin 的类型定义: ...
unplugin-auto-import Auto import APIs on-demand for Vite, Webpack, Rollup and esbuild. With TypeScript support. Powered byunplugin. Install npm i -D unplugin-auto-import Vite // vite.config.tsimportAutoImportfrom'unplugin-auto-import/vite'exportdefaultdefineConfig({plugins:[AutoImpo...
{ "compilerOptions": { "types": ["@univerjs/esbuild-plugin/types"] } } 全局类型管理: 适用于需要全局管理类型定义文件的场景,特别是在多个文件中都需要使用同一个类型定义文件时。 具体场景示例 单文件类型引用 假设你有一个 webpack.config.ts 文件,需要引用 @univerjs/webpack-plugin 的类型定义: ...
Unified plugin system for build tools. Currently supports: Vite Rollup Webpack esbuild Rspack Rolldown(⚠️experimental) Farm And every framework built on top of them. Documentations Learn more on theDocumentation License About Unified plugin system for Vite, Rollup, Webpack, esbuild, Rolldown...
@vitejs/plugin-vue - For Vite and Vue 3. @vitejs/plugin-vue2 - For Vite and Vue 2. unplugin-vue2 - For Vue 2.7+ and Vite, esbuild, Rollup, Webpack or more. vue-loader - For Webpack. esbuild-plugin-vue - For esbuild and Vue 3. esbuild-vue - For esbuild and Vue 2. vi...